Kode Mata Kuliah | FA2141 / 2 SKS |
Penyelenggara | 107 - Pharmaceutical Science and Technology / SF |
Kategori | Lecture |
| Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Nama Mata Kuliah | Anatomi dan Fisiologi Manusia II | Human Anatomy and Physiology II |
Bahan Kajian | - Anatomi, fisiologi, dan patologi sistem kardiovaskular
- Anatomi, fisiologi, dan patologi sistem limfatik
- Anatomi, fisiologi, dan patologi sistem respirasi
- Anatomi, fisiologi, dan patologi sistem ekskresi dan kesetimbangan asam basa
- Anatomi, fisiologi, dan patologi sistem reproduksi
| - Anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the cardiovascular system
- Anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the lymphatic system
- Anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the respiratory system
- Anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the excretory system and acid-base equilibrium
- Anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the reproductive system
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Mampu mendeskripsikan anatomi dan fisiologi sistem kardiovaskular, limfatik, ekskresi dan kesetimbangan asam-basa, respirasi, dan reproduksi.
| - Able to describe the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular, lymphatic, excretory, respiratory, and reproductive systems.
Metode Pembelajaran | Kuliah, project-based study berkelompok, presentasi | Lecture, group project-based study, presentation |
Modalitas Pembelajaran | Visual, auditorial
Pelaksanaan secara sinkronous dan asinkronous | Visual, auditorial; synchronous and asynchronous |
Jenis Nilai | ABCDE |
Metode Penilaian | UTS, UAS, Kuis, Tugas (Project kelompok) | Mid exam, final exam, quiz, assignment (individual and group) |
Catatan Tambahan | | |