Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Mampu menerapkan konsep anatomi dan fisiologi sistem lokomotorius, saraf, endokrin, dan pertahanan tubuh
- Mampu menganalisis kondisi anatomi dan fisiologi sistem lokomotorius, saraf, endokrin, dan pertahanan tubuh secara in vitro dan in vivo
- Mampu menguji konsep mekanisme kerja obat-obatan analgetika, antihiperglikemia, antibiotika, antiparasit, dan obat-obatan yang bekerja pada sistem saraf
- Mampu mengkorelasikan efek obat-obatan analgetika, antihiperglikemia, antibiotika, antiparasit, dan obat-obatan yang bekerja pada sistem saraf dengan hasil percobaan yang diperoleh
| - Able to apply the concepts of anatomy and physiology of the locomotory, nervous, endocrine, and body defense systems
- Able to analyze the anatomical and physiological in vitro and in vivo conditions of the locomotory, nervous, endocrine, and body defense systems
- Able to test the mechanism of action concept of analgetics, antihyperglycemia, antibiotics, antiparasites, and drugs that act on the nervous system
- Able to correlate the effects of analgetics, antihyperglycemia, antibiotics, antiparasitics, and drugs that act on the nervous system with experimental results
Metode Penilaian | Tugas pendahuluan, Pre-test, Post-test, Ujian Akhir (Praktek) | Introductory assignment, pretest, posttest, laboratory practical final exam |