Kode Mata KuliahGL3107 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara120 - Teknik Geologi / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahEndapan MineralMineral Deposit
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan: Hubungan endapan mineral dengan kuliah sebelumnya Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Endapan Mineral: - Penyegaran mineralogi dan petrologi - Istilah-istilah dalam endapan mineral - Geokimia beberapa elemen/ mineral bijih - Transportasi fluida pembawa bijih - Klasifikasi endapan mineral berdasarkan proses geologi
  2. Endapan Magmatik dari Magma Ultrabasa: - Diferensiasi magma dalam pembentukan endapan mineral - Endapan mineral bersifat segregasi hasil gravitasi pada magma Endapan Magmatik dari Magma Asam: - Endapan mineral hasil diferensiasi magma tahap lanjut - Endapan mineral pegmatit dan greissen
  3. Endapan Tembaga Porfiri dan Skarn: - Definisi dan klasifikasi endapan tembaga porfiri dan skarn - Himpunan mineral alterasi dan mineral bijih pada endapan tembaga porfiri dan skarn Endapan Epitermal: - Definisi dan klasifikasi tipe endapan epitermal - Himpunan mineral alterasi dan mineral bijih pada endapan epitermal
  4. Endapan Ekshalatif dan Vulkanogenik: - Definisi dan klasifikasi endapan ekshalatif dan vulkanogenik - Endapan tipe VMS dan Sedex - Himpunan mineral alterasi dan mineral bijih pada endapan ekshalatif dan vulkanogenik
  5. Endapan Mineral Terkait Proses Mekanik dan Kimiawi Dekat Permukaan: - Definisi dan klasifikasi endapan hasil pelapukan dekat permukaan - Endapan plaser sungai dan pantai - Endapan residual laterit Fe-Ni dan bauksit - Endapan hasil pengayaan supergen - Endapan Mn dan U
  6. Endapan Mineral Emas Terkait Proses Orogenesis - Karakteristik dan lingkungan tektonik - Himpunan mineral alterasi dan mineral bijih pada endapan emas orogenik Endapan Mineral Unsur Tanah Jarang (UTJ atau REE) - Definisi Unsur Tanah Jarang - Tipe endapan dan jenis mineral pembawa Unsur Tanah Jarang
  7. Propinsi Metalogenesa: - Endapan mineral dan kaitan dengan teori tektonik lempeng - Distribusi endapan mineral di dunia dan di Indonesia Rangkuman klasifikasi dan genesa dari setiap endapan mineral
  1. Introduction: Relationship of mineral deposits to previous lectures Basic Principles of Mineral Deposits: - Mineralogy and petrology refresher - Terms in mineral deposits - Geochemistry of some element/mineral ores - Ore-carrying fluid transportation - Classification of mineral deposits based on geological processes
  2. Magmatic Deposition of Ultrabasic Magma: - Differentiation of magma in the formation of mineral deposits - Mineral deposits are gravity-generated segregation in magma Magmatic Deposition of Acidic Magma: - Mineral deposits resulting from advanced magma differentiation - Pegmatite and greissen mineral deposits
  3. Porphyry Copper and Skarn deposits: - Definition and classification of porphyry and skarn copper deposits - Association of alteration minerals and ore minerals in porphyry and skarn copper deposits Epithermal Deposits: - Definition and classification of epithermal deposit types - Set of alteration minerals and ore minerals in epithermal deposits
  4. Epithermal Deposits: - Definition and classification of epithermal deposit types - Set of alteration minerals and ore minerals in epithermal deposits Exhalative and Volcanogenic Deposits: - Definition and classification of exhalative and volcanogenic deposits - VMS and Sedex type deposits - Set of alteration minerals and ore minerals in exhalative and volcanogenic deposits
  5. Mineral Deposits Associated with Near-Surface Mechanical and Chemical Processes: - Definition and classification of near-surface weathering deposits - River and coastal placer deposits - Residual Fe-Ni laterite and bauxite deposits - Supergene enrichment precipitate - Mn and U deposition
  6. Gold Mineral Deposits Associated with Orogenesis Process - Characteristics and tectonic environment - Set of alteration minerals and ore minerals in orogenic gold deposits Rare Earth Element Mineral Deposits (UTJ or REE) - Definition of Rare Earth Element - Precipitate types and carrier mineral types of Rare Earth Elements
  7. Province of Metallogenesis: - Mineral deposits and links to plate tectonics theory - Distribution of mineral deposits in the world and in Indonesia Summarize the classification and genesis of each mineral deposit
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa memahami proses-proses geologi yang menghasilkan endapan mineral yang bersifat ekonomis
  2. Mahasiswa mampu memiliki pengetahuan dasar untuk mengidentifikasi proses geologi yang dapat menghasilkan endapan mineral
  3. Mahasiswa mampu mendeskripsi mineral/ batuan yang dapat dimanfaatkan secara ekonomis
  4. Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui mengetahui keberadaan mineral/ batuan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis
  5. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan pemahaman karakteristik tipe endapan mineral dalam kegiatan eksplorasi mineral
  1. Students understand the geological processes that produce mineral deposits of an economic nature
  2. Students are able to have basic knowledge to identify the process geology that can produce mineral deposits
  3. Students are able to describe minerals/rocks that can be utilized hormonally. economical
  4. Students are able to know the presence of minerals / rocks that has economic value
  5. Students are able to use understanding of the characteristics of mineral deposit types in mineral exploration activities
Metode PembelajaranKnowledge Based Learning Skill Based Learning Problem Based LearingKnowledge Based Learning Skill Based Learning Problem Based Learing
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Daring Sinkron AsinkronOffline Online Synchronous Asynchonous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianPilihan Esai Laporan PraktikOptions Essay Report Practice
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