Kode Mata KuliahGL3206 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara120 - Teknik Geologi / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahHidrogeologiHydrogeology
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan: - Penjelasan mengenai pelaksanaan kuliah - Cekungan hidrogeologi - Hidrogeologi dalam kerekayasaan geologi Daur hidrologi: - Neraca air - Keterkaitan antara air sungai dan air tanah
  2. Sistem Akifer dan Potensi Airtanah: - Ringkasan mengenai potensi air tanah di Indonesia - Kendali geologi terhadap potensi air tanah - Batas hidrogeologi - Sistem input -output - Ringkasan mengenai potensi air tanah di Indonesia - Kendali geologi terhadap potensi air tanah - Batas hidrogeologi - Sistem input-output - Ringkasan mengenai potensi air tanah di Indonesia - Kendali geologi terhadap potensi air tanah - Batas hidrogeologi - Sistem input-output Sistem Endapan Gunungapi, Sistem Batuan Beku, Sistem Batuan Metamorf Properti Air Tanah: - Properti fisik dan kimia air tanah - Properti hidrolik (K,T,S)
  3. Eksplorasi Hidrogeologi: - Pemetaan permukaan dan bawah permukaan - Peta hidrogeologi dan komponennya - Perencanaan eksplorasi Teknik Pengeboran dan Konstruksi Sumur: - Tipe pengeboran dan keterbatasannya - Deskripsi data bor - Teknik sampling - Konstruksi sumur - Desain proyek pemboran
  4. Hidrodinamika Air Tanah dan Uji Akuifer: - Hukum Darcy dan properti akifer - Rezim aliran air tanah - Jejaring aliran air tanah - Jenis uji akifer dan keterbatasannya
  5. Persamaan Matematis dalam Hidrogeologi: - Ekspresi matematik - Hukum kontinuitas - Hukum kekekalan massa dan energi, momentum dalam aliran air tanah - Transportasi panas dan massa
  6. Fenomena Dispersi dalam Air Tanah: - Proses dispersi dan perhitungannya - Pencemaran air tanah alamiah dan buatan - Pelacakan kimia dan isotopik - Interaksi air tanah dan air asin
  7. Pemodelan Air Tanah I dan II: - Model fisik - Model numerik - Persamaan diferensial aliran air tanah - Solusi linear - Aplikasi metoda numerik untuk memecahkan permasalahan hidrogeologi Analisis Cekungan Hidrogeologi: - Pengelolaan akier - Imbuhan air tanah - Aspek hukum dan perundangan air tanah
  1. Introduction: - Explanation about the implementation of the lecture - Hydrogeologic basin - Hydrogeology in geological engineering Hydrological cycle: - Water balance - Linkages between river water and groundwater
  2. Aquifer Systems and Groundwater Potential: - Summary of groundwater potential in Indonesia - Geologic controls on groundwater potential - Hydrogeologic boundary - Input-output system - Summary of groundwater potential in Indonesia - Geologic controls on groundwater potential - Hydrogeologic boundary - Input-output system - Summary of groundwater potential in Indonesia - Geologic controls on groundwater potential - Hydrogeologic boundary - Input-output system Volcano Deposits System, Frozen Rock System, Metamorphic Rock System Groundwater Properties: - Physical and chemical properties of groundwater - Hydraulic properties (K, T, S)
  3. Hydrogeological Exploration: - Surface and subsurface mapping - Hydrogeologic map and its components - Exploration planning Drilling and Well Construction Techniques: - Drilling types and their limitations - Drill data description - Sampling technique - Well construction - Drilling project design
  4. Groundwater Hydrodynamics and Aquifer Testing: - Darcy's law and aquifer properties - Groundwater flow regime - Groundwater flow network - Types of aquifer tests and their limitations
  5. Mathematical Equations in Hydrogeology: - Mathematical expression - Law of continuity - Law of conservation of mass and energy, momentum in groundwater flow - Heat and mass transport
  6. Dispersion Phenomena in Groundwater: - Dispersion process and its calculation - Natural and man-made groundwater pollution - Chemical and isotopic tracking - Groundwater and saltwater interaction
  7. Groundwater Modeling I and II: - Physical model - Numerical model - Groundwater flow differential equation - Linear solution - Applicationmethod numerical methods to solving hydrogeological problems Hydrogeologic Basin Analysis: - Akier management - Groundwater recharge - Aspects of groundwater laws and regulations
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa memahami prinsip-prinsip hidrogeologi
  2. Mahasiswa memahami peran kondisi geologi dalam mengendalikan keberadaan air tanah dan pola alirannya
  3. Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip hidrogeologi
  4. Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan peran kondisi geologi dalam mengendalikan keberadaan air tanah dan pola alirannya
  5. Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis data dan pemetaan hidrogeologi di lapangan.
  1. Students understand the principles of hydrogeology
  2. Students understand the role of geological conditions in controlling the presence of water soil and its flow patterns
  3. Students are able to apply the principles of hydrogeology
  4. Students are able to apply the role of geological conditions in controlling the presence of groundwater and its flow patterns
  5. Students are able to analyze hydrogeological data and mapping in the field.
Metode PembelajaranKnowledge Based Learning Problem Based Learning Case Based LearningKnowledge Based Learning Project Based Learning Case Based Learning
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Daring Sinkron AsinkronOffline Online Synchronous Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianPilihan Uraian Esai Presentasi Debat Laporan Demonstrasi PraktikOptions Description Essay Presentation Debate Report Demonstration Practice
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