Kode Mata KuliahGL4033 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara120 - Teknik Geologi / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahGeologi KelautanMarine Geology
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan
  2. Tektonik Lempeng dan Karakteristik Cekungan Samudera - Pola Pergerakan Bumi , - Struktur Interior Bumi - Tektonik Lempeng, - Punggungan Tengah Samudera - Hot-Spot , - Cerobong Hidrotermal , – Magmatisme – Gunungapi bawah laut, - Cekungan Samudera
  3. Proses-Proses Fisik dan Sirkulasi Samudera - Sirkulasi airlaut & pengontrolnya - Gelombang - Arus - Pasang-surut - Badai dan Tsunami
  4. Perubahan Muka Laut - Konsep dan Mekanisme Perubahan Muka Laut Relatif dan Eustatik - Pengukuran Muka Laut Muka Laut
  5. Sistem Pesisir - Morfologi Pesisir dan Klasifikasi - Lingkungan Pesisir - Sistem Pantai - Lumpur Garis Pantai - Dataran Pasang-Surut & Rawa Pantai - Delta, Estuarium, Laguna - Barrier Systems &Tidal Inlets - Manusia dalam Sistem Pesisir
  6. Tepi Kontinental dan Sedimentasi Marin - Morfologi dan Struktur Tepi Kontinental - Pola Sedimen Tepi Kontinental - Fasies Sedimen Tepi Kontinental - Karakter dan Tekstur Utama Sedimen Marin - Transportasi Sedimen
  7. Terumbu Karang - Konsep dan Parameter Fisik Terumbu Karang - Aspek Biologi Terumbu Karang - Sedimen dan batuan Karbonat - Evaporit & Sedimen Autigenik Lainnya. - Interaksi Sedimen-Organisma
  8. Kimiawi Samudera dan Sedimen Laut dalam - Sifat Kimiawi Samudra - Sediment Terigen, Biogenik, Autigenik - Sedimen Volkanik Samudera - Sedimen dan Batuan Terigen - Sistem canyon, abisal dan hadal - Sistem/mekanisme arus turbidit dan karakteristik endapannya - Proses-proses Pasca Pengendapan di Laut Dalam
  9. Metode Pemetaan Geologi Kelautan - Prinsip pemetaaan lantai samudra berbasis kapal laut - Prinsip pemetaaan permukaan dan lantai samudra berbasis satelit
  10. Metode Geologi dan Geofisika dalam Geologi Kelautan - Metoda Pendugaan bawah laut - Metode Pengambilan Sampel
  11. Sumberdaya Geologi Kelautan - Sumberdaya di Tepi Kontinen : Minyak dan Gas Bumi - Sumberdaya di Tepi Kontinen : Mineral/Metal - Pertambangan Laut Dalam
  12. Energi Baru dan terbarukan dan Aspek Lingkungan - Sumber energi baru dan terbarukan dari laut - Pemanfaatan energi baru dan terbarukan - Aspek keselamatan lingkungan laut terkait pengelolaan sumber daya energi laut
  13. Mitigasi Bencana geologi Kelautan -Paleoklimat, Paleoseanografi, dan paleotsunami
  14. Penentuan batas wilayah -Dasar batas wilayah kelautan -Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif -Kemungkinan konflik antar wilayah
  1. Introduction
  2. Plate Tectonics and Ocean Basin Characteristics - Earth Movement Patterns, - Earth's Interior Structure - Plate Tectonics, - Mid-Ocean Ridge - Hot-spots, - Hydrothermal chimneys, - Magmatism - Submarine volcanoes, - Ocean basins
  3. Physical Processes and Ocean Circulation - Sea water circulation & control - Waves - Current - Tidal - Hurricanes and Tsunamis
  4. Sea Level Change - Concepts and Mechanisms of Relative and Eustatic Sea Level Change - Sea Level Measurement Sea Level
  5. Coastal System - Coastal Morphology and Classification - Coastal Environment - Beach System - Shoreline Mud - Tidal Flats & Coastal Marshes - Delta, Estuarium, Lagoon - Barrier Systems &Tidal Inlets - Humans in Coastal Systems
  6. Edge Continental Edge and Sedimentation Marin - Continental Edge Morphology and Structure - Continental Edge Sediment Pattern - Facies Sediments Edge Continental - Main Character and Texture of Marin Sediments - Sediment Transport
  7. Coral Reefs - Coral Reef Physical Concepts and Parameters - Biological Aspects of Coral Reefs - Sedimentary and Carbonate rocks - Evaporites & Other Autigenic Sediments. - Sediment-Organism Interaction
  8. Chemistry of Ocean and Deep Sea Sediments - Properties Chemistry Ocean - Sedimentigenous, Biogenic, Autigenic - Sediments Volcanic Ocean - Sediments and Terigenous Rocks - Canyon, abyssal and hadal systems - Turbidite flow systems/mechanisms and their sediment characteristics - Post-depositional Processes in the Deep Sea
  9. Marine Geological Mapping Methods - Principles of ship-based ocean floor mapping - Principles of satellite-based ocean floor and surface mapping
  10. Geological and Geophysical Methods in Marine Geology - Subsea estimation method - Sampling Method
  11. Marine Geological Resources - Resources on the Continental Shelf: Oil and Gas - Resources on the Continental Shelf: Minerals/Metals - Deep Sea Mining
  12. New and Renewable Energy and Environmental Aspects - New and renewable energy sources from the ocean - Utilization of new and renewable energy - Safety aspects of the marine environment related to the management of marine energy resources
  13. Marine Geological Disaster Mitigation -Paleoclimate, Paleoseanography, and paleotsunami
  14. Area boundary determination -Basic marine boundaries -Exclusive Economic Zone -Possibility of conflict between regions
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mengetahui dan memahami karakter dan sifat fisik laut dan airlaut, prosesproses yang mengontrol perkembangan cekungan samudera, sistem sedimentasi laut, penggunaan peralatan dan metode dalam eksplorasi kelautan, dan mampu memanfaatkannya untuk membantu merekonstruksi gejala geologi, klimatologi, dan sejarah oseanografi.
  2. Mahasiswa mengetahui potensi sumberdaya geologi kelautan (mineral ekonomis maupun migas), energi baru dan terbarukan, dan dapat memahami metodologi yang sesuai dan sistematis dalam melakukan kajian di bidang tersebut
  3. Mahasiswa mengetahui peran geologi kelautan dalam mempertahankan batas-batas wilayah NKRI
  1. Students know and understand the character and physical properties of the ocean and sea water, the processes that control the development of ocean basins, marine sedimentation systems, the use of equipment and methods in marine exploration, and are able to utilize them to help reconstruct geological, climatological, and geological phenomena. history of oceanography.
  2. Students know the potential of marine geological resources (economic minerals and oil and gas), new and renewable energy, and can understand the appropriate and systematic methodology in conducting studies in this field.
  3. Students know the role of marine geology in maintaining the boundaries of the Republic of Indonesia
Metode PembelajaranKnowledge Based Leaning (KBL) Problem based learning (PBL) Case-based Learning (CBL)Knowledge Based Leaning (KBL) Problem based learning (PBL) Case-based Learning (CBL)
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Daring Sinkron AsinkronOffline Online Synchronus Asynchronus
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianTertulis : Uraian, Esai Lisan : Presentasi Tugas : LaporanWritten : Description, Essay Oral : Presentation Tasks : Report
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