Kode Mata KuliahGL4050 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara120 - Teknik Geologi / FITB
KategoriTugas Akhir / Tesis / Disertasi
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahTugas AkhirFinal Project
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan: Tujuan kuliah, ruang lingkup, sistem evaluasi, literatur, lahirnya ilmu kebumian dan pengembangannya Bumi dan Alam Semesta: - Pembentukan alam semesta. - Teori terjadinya bumi - Bumi sebagai bagian dari tata surya
  2. Atmosfer Bumi: - Pembagian atmosfer - Struktur dan sifat fisis atmosfer, serta pengaruhnya terhadap kehidupan Sumber Daya Atmosfer dan Perubahan Iklim: - Potensi sumber daya atmosfer - Variabilitas iklim - Perubahan iklim global
  3. Karakteristik Fisik Air Laut: - Struktur vertikal laut - Interaksi laut-atmosfer - Parameter fisis laut Sumber Daya Kelautan: Potensi sumber daya kelautan (hayati – nirhayati) dan eksplorasinya Sumber Daya Air: Potensi sumber daya air permukaan dan air tanah, beserta eksplorasinya
  4. Evolusi Bumi: - Skala waktu geologi - Evolusi kehidupan Interior Bumi: Karakteristik interior bumi dan materinya berdasarkan sifat-sifat fisis (seismik, thermal, dan komposisi mineralnya, dll) Proses-Proses Geologi: - Bumi sebagai benda padat - Dinamika atmosfer-litosfer - Proses tektonik/endogen-eksogen, dan produknya Sumber Daya Mineral, Migas, dan Energi: Potensi sumber daya mineral (logam, non-logam, industri, bahan bangunan), migas, energi, dan energi alternatif
  5. Konsep Pemantauan Dinamika Bumi - Penentuan posisi - Model bumi (fisik, matematik) - Pemantauan Dinamika Bumi Bahaya Kebumian (Geohazard) dan Mitigasinya : Potensi ancaman dan kerawanan bencana kebumian (gempa, tsunami, gunung api, longsor, banjir, dan kekeringan, gelombang laut, badai/puting beliung)
  1. Introduction: Course objectives, scope, evaluation system, literature, birth of earth science and its development Earth and the Universe: - The formation of the universe. - Theory of the earth's occurrence - Earth as part of the solar system
  2. Earth's atmosphere: - Division of the atmosphere - Structure and physical properties of the atmosphere, and their effects on life Atmospheric Resources and Climate Change: - Atmospheric resource potential - Climate variability - Global climate change
  3. Physical Characteristics of Seawater: - Vertical structure of the sea - Ocean-atmosphere interaction - Ocean physical parameters Marine Resources: Potential marine resources (biological - non-biological) and their exploration Water Resources: Potential surface water and groundwater resources, and their exploration
  4. Earth Evolution: - Geologic time scale - Evolution of life Earth's Interior: Characteristics of the Earth's interior and its materials based on physical properties (seismic, thermal, and mineral composition, etc.) Geological Processes: - Earth as a solid - Atmosphere-lithosphere dynamics - Tectonic/endogenous-exogenous processes, and their products Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas and Energy: Potential mineral resources (metal, non-metal, industrial, building materials), oil and gas, energy, and alternative energy
  5. Earth Dynamics Monitoring Concept - Positioning - Earth model (physical, mathematical) - Monitoring Earth Dynamics Geohazards and their Mitigation: Potential threat and vulnerability of earth disasters (earthquake, tsunami, volcano, landslide, flood, and drought, sea wave, storm/tornado)
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa dapat melakukan pemetaan geologi suatu wilayah dan topik penelitian sesuai dengan proposal
  2. Dapat membuat laporan tugas akhir
  3. Dapat mempresentasikan hasil dari tugas akhir dalam sidang akhir.
  1. Students are capable of conducting geological mapping of a region and research topics in accordance with the proposa
  2. Students are able to present the results of their final project during the final defense
  3. The Ability to present the results of the final project during the final defense.
Metode PembelajaranKnowledge Based Learning Problem Based LearningKnowledge Based Learning Problem Based Learning
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Daring Sinkron AsinkronOffline Online Synchronous Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianPresentasi LaporanPresentation Report
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