Kode Mata Kuliah | FA6043 / 3 SKS |
Penyelenggara | 207 - Farmasi / SF |
Kategori | Kuliah |
| Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Nama Mata Kuliah | Patofarmakologi Toksikologi | Pathopharmacology of Toxicology |
Bahan Kajian | - Prinsip Patofarmakologi dan Toksikologi Klinik
- Prinsip Drug Induced-Disease
- Drug-induced Disease: Osteoporosis and osteomalacia; Alergi, Gastrointestinal Disease. Psikosis, Stroke dan Infark Miokardia, Renal Disease, Liver Disease
- Toksisitas Pestisida dan Senyawa Hidrokarbon
- Patofarmakologi pada Populasi Pasien Geriatri
- Patofarmakologi pada Kondisi Kehamilan dan Menyusui
- Penggunaan Obat pada Insufisiensi Ginjal, Drug Induced Renal Disease
- Toksisitas Mikroba Patogen
- Toksisitas Zat Korosif, Toksisitas CO, Sulfida dan Sianida
- Toksisitas Logam Berat
- Patafarmakologi dan Penggunaan Obat pada Insufisiensi Hati
- Toksisitas Bahan Halusinogen
| - Principles of Pathopharmacology and Clinical Toxicology
- Principles of Drug-Induced Disease
- Drug-Induced Disease: Osteoporosis and osteomalacia; Allergy, Gastrointestinal Disease, Psychosis, Stroke and Myocardial Infarction, Renal Disease, Liver Disease
- Pesticide and Hydrocarbon Compound Toxicity
- Pathopharmacology in the Geriatric Population
- Pathopharmacology during Pregnancy and Lactation
- Drug Use in Renal Insufficiency, Drug-Induced Renal Disease
- Pathogen Microbe Toxicity
- Toxicity of Corrosive Substances, CO, Sulfide, and Cyanide Toxicity
- Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Pathopharmacology and Drug Use in Liver Insufficiency
- Hallucinogen Toxicity
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Mampu mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis permasalahan kesehatan yang relevan di masyarakat, terutama yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan obat pada kondisi khusus dan bahan toksik
- Mampu merancang solusi farmasi yang inovatif dan berbasis bukti untuk mengatasi permasalahan kesehatan masyarakat, dengan mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor farmakologi, toksikologi, serta regulasi yang berlaku
- Mampu mengembangkan dan menerapkan strategi untuk mengurangi risiko terkait penggunaan obat dan bahan toksik di masyarakat, termasuk edukasi kepada masyarakat
| - Able to identify and analyze relevant health problems in the community, especially those related to the use of drugs in special conditions and toxic substances
- Able to design innovative and evidence-based pharmaceutical solutions to address public health problems, taking into account pharmacology, toxicology, and applicable regulatory factors
- Able to develop and implement strategies to reduce risks related to the use of drugs and toxic substances in the community, including education to the community
Metode Pembelajaran | Kuliah, tugas mandiri/ kelompok, presentasi studi kasus | Lecture, individual/ group assignment, study case presentation |
Modalitas Pembelajaran | Visual, auditorial, kinestetik
Pelaksanaan secara sinkron | Visual, Auditorial, Kinesthetic, synchronous |
Jenis Nilai | ABCDE |
Metode Penilaian | UTS, UAS, Tugas | mid-exam, final exam, assignment |
Catatan Tambahan | | |