
Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
TM5001 Research Methodology 3 TM5212 Advanced Reservoir Engineering 3
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 TM5213 Advanced Production Engineering 3
TM5103 Oil & Gas Field Plan of Development 3 TM5214 Advanced Drilling Engineering 3
TM5104 Energy Transition and CO2 Sequestration 3 TM5090 Comprehensive Exam [2] 3
TM5105 Risk Analysis and Project Selection 3 TM5093 Research Progress Report 1 [1] 4
TM5111 Fluid Flow Through Porous Media 3 TM5094 Research Stage 1 [1] 6
TM5092 Research Proposal [1] 4 TM5290 Thesis Proposal [3] 3
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
TM6097 Research Progress Report 2 [1] 4 TM6093 Master Thesis Defense 2
TM6191 Thesis 1 [3] 4 TM6091 Case Study Report [2] 9
TM6098 Scientific Writing [1] 4 TM6099 MBR Thesis [1] 6
TM6292 Thesis 2 [3] 4
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Riset (MBR)
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan TA Studi Kasus
[3] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset

Sustainable Energy System Management

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
TM5001 Research Methodology 3 TM5221 Energy System 3
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 TM5222 Energy Technology 3
TM5103 Oil & Gas Field Plan of Development 3 TM5223 Energy Economy & Market 3
TM5104 Energy Transition and CO2 Sequestration 3 TM5224 Energy Modeling 3
TM5105 Risk Analysis and Project Selection 3 TM5225 Energy Plan and Policy 3
TM5092 Research Proposal [1] 4 TM5090 Comprehensive Exam [2] 3
TM5093 Research Progress Report 1 [1] 4
TM5094 Research Stage 1 [1] 6
TM5290 Thesis Proposal [3] 3
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
TM6121 ESG in Energy 3 TM6093 Master Thesis Defense 2
TM6122 Management of Change 3 TM6091 Case Study Report [2] 9
TM6097 Research Progress Report 2 [1] 4 TM6099 MBR Thesis [1] 6
TM6191 Thesis 1 [3] 4 TM6292 Thesis 2 [3] 4
TM6098 Scientific Writing [1] 4
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Riset (MBR)
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan TA Studi Kasus
[3] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset
FakultasNo ProdiProgram Studi
KodeMata KuliahKategoriSKS
TM5001 Research Methodology Lecture3
TM5051 Energy Sustainability Lecture3
TM5052 Energy Politics Lecture3
TM5090 Comprehensive Exam Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3
TM5092 Research Proposal Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
TM5093 Research Progress Report 1 Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
TM5094 Research Stage 1 Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation6
TM5095 Dirrected Study 1 Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation5
TM5102 Digital Literation & Academic Ethics Lecture2
TM5103 Oil & Gas Field Plan of Development Lecture3
TM5104 Energy Transition and CO2 Sequestration Lecture3
TM5105 Risk Analysis and Project Selection Lecture3
TM5111 Fluid Flow Through Porous Media Lecture3
TM5212 Advanced Reservoir Engineering Lecture3
TM5213 Advanced Production Engineering Lecture3
TM5214 Advanced Drilling Engineering Lecture3
TM5221 Energy System Lecture3
TM5222 Energy Technology Lecture3
TM5223 Energy Economy & Market Lecture3
TM5224 Energy Modeling Lecture3
TM5225 Energy Plan and Policy Lecture3
TM5290 Thesis Proposal Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3
TM6010 CBM Technology Lecture3
TM6011 Selected Topics in EOR Lecture3
TM6012 Optimization Methods in the Oil & Gas Lecture3
TM6013 Surface Facility Design Lecture3
TM6014 Selected Topics in Production Engineering Lecture3
TM6015 Advanced Petroleum Artificial Intelligence Lecture3
TM6016 Advanced Well Stimulation Lecture3
TM6017 Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods Lecture3
TM6018 Production Optimization Lecture3
TM6019 Advanced Transient Pressure Analysis Lecture3
TM6020 Reservoir Management Lecture3
TM6021 Reservoir Geology Description and Characteristics Lecture3
TM6022 Economics & Financing of Petroleum Projects Lecture3
TM6023 Oil and Gas Sector Policy & Planning Lecture3
TM6024 Energy Business Models Lecture3
TM6025 Leadership and Ethics in Energy Lecture3
TM6026 Negotiation in the Energy Field Lecture3
TM6027 Energy Risk and Uncertainty Analysis Lecture3
TM6028 Energy Fiscal Management Lecture3
TM6029 Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Lecture3
TM6091 Case Study Report Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation9
TM6093 Master Thesis Defense Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
TM6096 Dirrected Study 2 Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation5
TM6097 Research Progress Report 2 Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
TM6098 Scientific Writing Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
TM6099 MBR Thesis Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation6
TM6110 Advanced Reservoir Simulation Lecture3
TM6111 Advanced Petroleum Engineering Mathematics Lecture3
TM6112 Advanced Petrophysic Lecture3
TM6121 ESG in Energy Lecture3
TM6122 Management of Change Lecture3
TM6191 Thesis 1 Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
TM6292 Thesis 2 Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4