Coal Utilization Engineering

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MG5101 Research Methodology 3 MG5032 Mineral and Coal Processing   4
MG5102 Digital Literacy and Academic Ethics  2 MG5033 Advanced Coal Utilization  4
MG5001 Metallurgical Process Engineering 4 MG5093 Independent Study [1] 4
MG5002 Modeling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes   4 MG5094 Stage I Research [1] 6
MG5031 Genesis and Coal Quality   4 MG5095 Progress Seminar I [1] 2
MG5090 Thesis Proposal [1] 2 MG5090 Thesis Proposal [2] 2
MG5092 Comprehensive Test [3] 3
MG5091 Writing of Scientific Article [1] 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MG6031 Coal Preparation and Washing  3 MG6097 Magister Thesis Defence 2
MG6091 Stage II Research [1] 6 MG6095 Thesis II [1] [2] 6
MG6092 Progress Seminar II [1] 2 MG6096 Case Study Report [3] 6
MG6093 Dissemination of Research Results [1] 3
MG6094 Thesis I [2] [1] 4
[1] Khusus Master By Research (MBR)
[2] Khusus Master By Class with Research Thesis
[3] Khusus Master By Class with Case Study

Corrosion and Metal Reliability Engineering

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MG5101 Research Methodology 3 MG5022 Aqueous Corrosion   4
MG5102 Digital Literacy and Academic Ethics  2 MG5023 High Temperature Corrosion 4
MG5001 Metallurgical Process Engineering 4 MG5093 Independent Study [1] 4
MG5002 Modeling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes   4 MG5094 Stage I Research [1] 6
MG5021 Advanced Electrochemistry 4 MG5095 Progress Seminar I [1] 2
MG5090 Thesis Proposal [1] 2 MG5090 Thesis Proposal [2] 2
MG5092 Comprehensive Test [3] 3
MG5091 Writing of Scientific Article [1] 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MG6021 Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue 3 MG6097 Magister Thesis Defence 2
MG6091 Stage II Research [1] 6 MG6095 Thesis II [1] [2] 6
MG6092 Progress Seminar II [1] 2 MG6096 Case Study Report [3] 6
MG6093 Dissemination of Research Results [1] 3
MG6094 Thesis I [2] [1] 4
[1] Khusus Master By Research (MBR)
[2] Khusus Master By Class with Research Thesis
[3] Khusus Master By Class with Case Study

Mineral and Metallurgy Engineering

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MG5101 Research Methodology 3 MG5012 Advanced Mineral Processing  2
MG5102 Digital Literacy and Academic Ethics  2 MG5013 Advanced Extractive Metallurgy 2
MG5001 Metallurgical Process Engineering 4 MG5014 Advanced Physical Metallurgy  2
MG5002 Modeling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes   4 MG5015 Advanced Metallurgical Transport Phenomena  3
MG5011 Advanced Metallurgical Thermodynamics  4 MG5016 Advanced Material Characterization  3
MG5090 Thesis Proposal [1] 2 MG5093 Independent Study [1] 4
MG5094 Stage I Research [1] 6
MG5095 Progress Seminar I [1] 2
MG5090 Thesis Proposal [2] 2
MG5092 Comprehensive Test [3] 3
MG5091 Writing of Scientific Article [1] 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MG6011 Advanced Metallurgical Waste Treatment  3 MG6097 Magister Thesis Defence 2
MG6091 Stage II Research [1] 6 MG6095 Thesis II [1] [2] 6
MG6092 Progress Seminar II [1] 2 MG6096 Case Study Report [3] 6
MG6093 Dissemination of Research Results [1] 3
MG6094 Thesis I [2] [1] 4
[1] Khusus Master By Research (MBR)
[2] Khusus Master By Class with Research Thesis
[3] Khusus Master By Class with Case Study
FakultasNo ProdiProgram Studi
The objective of the program is to produce a Master of Metallurgical Engineering or Master of Nano Technology with a specialization in battery materials. The curriculum begins with an examination of the synthesis process of raw materials found in nature and progresses to the synthesis of cathode and anode materials, modification of anode, cathode, and electrolyte materials, material characterization, cell fabrication, and battery cell performance testing.
KodeMata KuliahSKS
MG5101 Research Methodology 3
MG5102 Digital Literacy and Academic Ethics  2
MG5001 Metallurgical Process Engineering 4
MG5002 Modeling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes   4
MG5011 Advanced Metallurgical Thermodynamics  4
MG5012 Advanced Mineral Processing  2
MG5013 Advanced Extractive Metallurgy 2
MG5014 Advanced Physical Metallurgy  2
MG5015 Advanced Metallurgical Transport Phenomena  3
MG5016 Advanced Material Characterization  3
MG5090 Thesis Proposal 2
MG6011 Advanced Metallurgical Waste Treatment  3
MG6095 Thesis II 6
MG6097 Magister Thesis Defence 2
MG6094 Thesis I 4
KodeMata KuliahKategoriSKS
MG5001 Metallurgical Process Engineering Lecture4
MG5002 Modeling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes   Lecture4
MG5011 Advanced Metallurgical Thermodynamics  Lecture4
MG5012 Advanced Mineral Processing  Lecture2
MG5013 Advanced Extractive Metallurgy Lecture2
MG5014 Advanced Physical Metallurgy  Lecture2
MG5015 Advanced Metallurgical Transport Phenomena  Lecture3
MG5016 Advanced Material Characterization  Lecture3
MG5021 Advanced Electrochemistry Lecture4
MG5022 Aqueous Corrosion   Lecture4
MG5023 High Temperature Corrosion Lecture4
MG5031 Genesis and Coal Quality   Lecture4
MG5032 Mineral and Coal Processing   Lecture4
MG5033 Advanced Coal Utilization  Lecture4
MG5041 Minerals and Coal Sampling  Lecture3
MG5042 Advanced Flotation Lecture3
MG5043 Advanced Phase Transformation Lecture3
MG5044 Surface Engineering Lecture3
MG5045 Advanced Computational Metallurgy  Lecture4
MG5046 High Performance Alloys  Lecture3
MG5047 Electrochemical Measurements and Analysis   Lecture4
MG5048 Metallurgy of Energy Storage and Conversion  Lecture4
MG5049 Battery Materials and Technology  Lecture4
MG5071 Independent Study of Advanced Metallurgical Thermodynamics  Lecture2
MG5072 Independent Study of Metallurgical Process Engineering Lecture2
MG5073 Independent Study of Advanced Metallurgical Transport Phenomena  Lecture2
MG5074 Independent Study of Genesis and Coal Quality   Lecture2
MG5075 Independent Study of Mineral and Coal Processing   Lecture2
MG5076 Independent Study of Advanced Coal Utilization  Lecture2
MG5077 Independent Study of High Temperature Corrosion Lecture2
MG5078 Independent Study of Aqueous Corrosion   Lecture2
MG5079 Independent Study of Advanced Phase Transformation Lecture2
MG5081 Independent Study of Surface Engineering Lecture2
MG5082 Independent Study of Modeling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes   Lecture2
MG5083 Independent Study of Research Methodology Lecture2
MG5084 Independent Literature Study Lecture2
MG5090 Thesis Proposal Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
MG5091 Writing of Scientific Article Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
MG5092 Comprehensive Test Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3
MG5093 Independent Study Lecture4
MG5094 Stage I Research Lecture6
MG5095 Progress Seminar I Lecture2
MG5101 Research Methodology Lecture3
MG5102 Digital Literacy and Academic Ethics  Lecture2
MG6011 Advanced Metallurgical Waste Treatment  Lecture3
MG6021 Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue Lecture3
MG6031 Coal Preparation and Washing  Lecture3
MG6041 Advanced Metallurgical Kinetics  Lecture3
MG6042 Advanced Metallurgy of Rare Earth Metals Lecture3
MG6043 Mechanical Metallurgy Lecture3
MG6044 Pipeline Defects Assessment Lecture3
MG6045 Non-Destructive Testing and Failure Analysis  Lecture3
MG6046 Inhibitors and Organic Protective Coatings Lecture3
MG6047 Cathodic Protection Lecture3
MG6048 Metallurgy Bioprocess Lecture3
MG6049 Metallurgical Waste Bioremediation Lecture3
MG6050 Bioflotation Lecture3
MG6051 Process Mineralogy Lecture3
MG6052 Sustainable Development of Metallurgical Process Lecture3
MG6053 Advanced Metallurgy of Recycling Lecture3
MG6054 Coal Gasification and Liquefaction Lecture3
MG6055 Advanced Carbon Materials from Coal Lecture3
MG6056 Clean Coal Technologies Lecture3
MG6057 Metallurgy of Pipeline Design Lecture3
MG6058 Metallurgy of Asset Reliability and Risk Lecture3
MG6071 Independent Study of Coal Preparation and Washing  Lecture2
MG6072 Independent Study of Metallurgy Bioprocess Lecture2
MG6091 Stage II Research Lecture6
MG6092 Progress Seminar II Lecture2
MG6093 Dissemination of Research Results Lecture3
MG6094 Thesis I Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
MG6095 Thesis II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation6
MG6096 Case Study Report Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation6
MG6097 Magister Thesis Defence Lecture2