FakultasNo ProdiProgram Studi
KodeMata KuliahKategoriSKS
FA7001 Research Methodology Lecture3
FA7002 Qualification Examination Lecture3
FA7003 Philosophy of Science Lecture2
FA7011 Analytical Pharmacy, Recent Developments Lecture3
FA7012 Special Topic: Drug Molecule Design Lecture3
FA7013 Special Topic: Analytical Microbiology and Bioprocesses Lecture3
FA7014 Special Topic: Food Safety Analysis and Evaluation Lecture3
FA7021 Special Topic: Development of Separation Methods for Natural Compounds Lecture3
FA7022 Special Topic: Development, Production & Standardization of Natural Products Lecture3
FA7023 Special Topic: Identification and Structure Elucidation of Natural Compounds Lecture3
FA7024 Special Topic: Development of Biotechnology for Medicinal Plants Lecture2
FA7025 Special Topic: Instrumental Analysis of Natural Products Lecture2
FA7026 Special Topic: Development of Non-Plant Natural Products Lecture2
FA7027 Special Topic: Natural Products Lecture3
FA7028 Special topics : Metabolomics of Medicinal Plants Lecture3
FA7031 Special Topic: Nanopharmaceuticals Lecture3
FA7032 Special Topic: Drug Delivery and Formulation Design Lecture3
FA7033 Special Topic: Physical Pharmacy and Preformulation Lecture3
FA7034 Special Topic: Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics Lecture3
FA7035 Special Topic: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Lecture3
FA7036 Special Topic: Applications and Characterization of Bacterial and Mammalian Cells in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Lecture3
FA7037 Special Topic: Analytical Methods for Biopharmaceutics Lecture3
FA7038 Formulation Development and Evaluation of Cosmetics Lecture2
FA7041 Special Topic: Pharmacology Lecture3
FA7042 Special Topic: Pharmacotherapy Lecture3
FA7043 Special Topic: Clinical Pharmacy Lecture3
FA7044 Special Topic: Toxicology Lecture3
FA7091 Proposal Preparation Lecture5
FA7300 Independent Study for Proposal Preparation Lecture2
FA7301 Research Independent Study 1 Lecture5
FA7302 Research Independent Study 2 Lecture5
FA7303 Research Independent Study 3 Lecture5
FA7304 Research Independent Study 4 Lecture6
FA7305 Advanced Pharmacy Independent Study Lecture3
FA8001 Progress Seminar I Lecture2
FA8002 Progress Seminar II Lecture2
FA8011 Research I Lecture8
FA8021 Research II Lecture8
FA8022 Progress Seminar II Lecture2
FA8031 Research III Lecture8
FA8032 Progress Seminar III Lecture2
FA8041 Precision Medicine Lecture2
FA8042 Policy and Financing in Pharmacy Lecture2
FA8091 Research I Lecture8
FA8092 Research II Lecture8
FA9001 Progress Seminar III Lecture2
FA9002 Doctoral Defense Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3
FA9041 Study of Drug Addiction Lecture2
FA9042 Development of Biomedical Products Lecture2
FA9091 Research III Lecture8
FA9092 Research IV Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation8
FA9093 Dissertation Writing Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3