FakultasNo ProdiProgram Studi
KodeMata KuliahKategoriSKS
MT5000 Research Methodology Lecture3
MT5001 Digital Literacy and Academic Ethics Lecture2
MT5002 Advanced Mathematics Lecture4
MT5003 Surface Degradation of Metals: Corrosion and Wear Lecture3
MT5004 Engineering of Bio-based Polymers Lecture3
MT5005 Fabrication and Reparation of Polymeric Composites Lecture3
MT5006 Physical Properties of Polymers Lecture3
MT5007 Structure, Properties and Application of Refractory Materials Lecture3
MT5008 Metal and Ceramic Powder Processing Lecture3
MT5009 Engineering of Clay-Based Ceramics Lecture3
MT5010 Biocompatibillity of Materials Lecture4
MT5011 Processing of Nanomaterials Lecture4
MT5012 Special Topics 1: Special Application of Materials Lecture4
MT5013 Kinetics and Non-equillibrium Phase Transformation Lecture4
MT5014 Plastic Deformation and Fracture of Metals Lecture4
MT5015 Atomic-Scale Modeling of Materials Lecture4
MT5016 Scientific Writing Methods and Ethics Lecture3
MT5017 Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage Devices Lecture4
MT5018 Metallurgy of Metal Manufacturing Processes Lecture3
MT5019 Functional Materials Lecture4
MT5020 Special Topics 2: Novel Characterization in Materials Science and Engineering Lecture4
MT5021 Nonlinear Material Deformation Modeling Lecture4
MT6001 Materials Degradation: Analysis, Modeling and Simulation Lecture4
MT6011 Engineering of Metallic Materials Lecture4
MT6012 Engineering of Ceramic Materials Lecture4
MT6013 Engineering of Polymeric and Composite Materials Lecture4
MT6014 Determination of Structure and Chemical Composition of Materials Lecture4
MT6021 Nondestructive Testing (NDT) and Inspection (NDI) Lecture4
MT6022 Failure Analysis and Engineering Life Assessment Lecture4
MT6023 Independent Study - Metallurgy of Metal Manufacturing Processes Research2
MT6024 Independent Study - Failure Analysis and Engineering Life Assessment Research2
MT6025 Independent Study - Surface Degradation of Metals: Corrosion and Wear Research2
MT6026 Independent Study - Engineering of Bio-based Polymers Research2
MT6027 Independent Study - Fabrication and Reparation of Polymeric Composites Research2
MT6028 Independent Study - Physical Properties of Polymers Research2
MT6029 Independent Study - Structure, Properties and Application of Refractory Materials Research2
MT6030 Independent Study - Metal and Ceramic Powder Processing Research2
MT6031 Independent Study - Engineering of Clay-Based Ceramics Research2
MT6032 Independent Study - Biocompatibillity of Materials Research2
MT6033 Independent Study - Processing of Nanomaterials Research2
MT6034 Independent Study - Capita Selecta 1: Special Application of Materials Research2
MT6035 Independent Study - Kinetics and Non-equillibrium Phase Transformation Research2
MT6036 Independent Study - Plastic Deformation and Fracture of Metals Research2
MT6037 Independent Study - Atomic-Scale Modeling of Materials Research2
MT6038 Independent Study - Nondestructive Testing (NDT) and Inspection (NDI) Research2
MT6039 Independent Study - Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage Devices Research2
MT6040 Independent Study - Capita Selecta 2: Novel Characterization in Materials Science and Engineering Research2
MT6041 Independent Study - Research Methodology Research2
MT6042 Independent Study - Scientific Writing Methods and Ethics Research2
MT6043 Independent Study - Engineering of Metallic Materials Research2
MT6044 Independent Study - Engineering of Ceramic Materials Research2
MT6045 Independent Study - Engineering of Polymeric and Composite Materials Research2
MT6046 Independent Study - Determination of Structure and Chemical Composition of Materials Research2
MT6047 Independent Study - Materials Degradation: Analysis, Modeling and Simulation Research2
MT6048 Multiscale Modeling of CompositeMaterials Lecture4
MT6080 Minor Research Research4
MT6081 Independent Study A Lecture2
MT6082 Independent Study B Lecture2
MT6083 Independent Study C Lecture2
MT6084 Independent Study D Lecture2
MT6085 Independent Study E Lecture2
MT6097 Thesis/Master Project I Research6
MT6098 Thesis/Master Project II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation6
MT6099 Thesis Defense Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2