FakultasNo ProdiProgram Studi
KodeMata KuliahKategoriSKS
FI5081 Mathematical Method for Physics Teaching Lecture3
FI5082 Classical Physics for Teaching Lecture4
FI5083 Electricity and Magnetism for Teaching Lecture3
FI5084 Modern Physics for Teaching Lecture3
FI5085 Professional Ethics and Teaching Methods Lecture2
FI5086 Earth, Space and Life Sciences Lecture3
FI5087 Independent Study of Professional Ethics and Teaching Methods Lecture3
FI5088 Research Methodology Lecture3
FI5089 Independent Study for Classical Physics Lecture2
FI5181 Physics Laboratory Works Lecture2
FI5182 History and Literature of Physics Lecture2
FI5183 Integrated Science Lecture2
FI5184 Independent Study for Mathematical Physics Lecture3
FI5185 Independent Study for Physics Teaching I Lecture2
FI5186 Independent Study for Physics Teaching II Lecture2
FI5281 Computational Physics Lecture2
FI5282 Physics in Daily Life Lecture2
FI5283 Scientific Communication Lecture2
FI5284 Instrumentation for Physics Teaching Lecture3
FI5285 Independent Study for Computational Physics Lecture3
FI5286 Independent Study for Physics Teaching III Lecture2
FI5287 Independent Study for Physics Teaching IV Lecture2
FI6081 Theses for Physics Teaching I Research4
FI6082 Theses for Physics Teaching II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
FI6083 Final Project I Lecture4
FI6084 Final Project II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
FI6085 Master of Physics Teaching Seminar Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
FI6086 Teaching Internship Internship2
FI6087 Independent Study Research2
FI6088 Independent Study for Electromagnetism Lecture3
FI6089 Independent Study for Modern Physics Lecture2
FI6181 Optics for Physics Teaching Lecture2
FI6182 Physics Teaching Design Lecture3
FI6281 Physics Teaching Laboratory Management Lecture2