Construction and Infrastructure Management

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
SI5101 Civil Engineering Analysis 4 SI5098 Research Methodology 3
SI5102 Computational Civil Engineering 2 SI5099 Proposal Seminar 3
SI5151 Construction Economics and Infrastructure Financing 4 SI5251 Procurement and Contract Management 4
SI5152 Infrastructure Asset Management System 4 SI5252 Construction Operations Management 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 SI6099 Masters Thesis Defense 2
SI5051 Construction Seminar 1 SI6098 Theses and Research [1] [2] 6
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Proyek

Geotechnical Engineering

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
SI5101 Civil Engineering Analysis 4 SI5098 Research Methodology 3
SI5102 Computational Civil Engineering 2 SI5099 Proposal Seminar 3
SI5121 Advanced Soil Mechanics 4 SI5221 Advanced Foundation Engineering 4
SI5122 Field and Laboratory Soil Investigation 4 SI5222 Geotechnical Stability Problem 4
SI5123 Soil Behavior 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 SI6099 Masters Thesis Defense 2
SI6121 Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 4 SI6098 Theses and Research [1] [2] 6
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Proyek

Structural Engineering

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
SI5101 Civil Engineering Analysis 4 SI5098 Research Methodology 3
SI5102 Computational Civil Engineering 2 SI5099 Proposal Seminar 3
SI5112 Advanced Mechanics of Material 4 SI5212 Advanced Structural Dynamics 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 SI6099 Masters Thesis Defense 2
SI6223 Finite Element Method in Structural Engineering 4
SI6098 Theses and Research [1] [2] 6
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Proyek

Transportation Engineering

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
SI5101 Civil Engineering Analysis 4 SI5098 Research Methodology 3
SI5102 Computational Civil Engineering 2 SI5099 Proposal Seminar 3
SI5141 Transportation Economics 4
SI5142 Transportation Infrastructure Engineering 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 SI6099 Masters Thesis Defense 2
SI6141 Group Field Project 4 SI6098 Theses and Research [1] [2] 6
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Proyek

Water Resources Engineering

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
SI5101 Civil Engineering Analysis 4 SI5098 Research Methodology 3
SI5102 Computational Civil Engineering 2 SI5099 Proposal Seminar 3
SI5131 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 3 SI5232 Advanced Hydraulics 3
SA5021 Water Resources Planning and Management 4 SA5033 Advanced Hydrology 4
SI5132 Numerical Methods for Water Resourcex Engineering 3
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 SI6099 Masters Thesis Defense 2
SI6098 Theses and Research [1] [2] 6
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Proyek
FakultasNo ProdiProgram Studi
KodeMata KuliahKategoriSKS
SI5001 Advanced Numerical Method Lecture4
SI5051 Construction Seminar Lecture1
SI5098 Research Methodology Lecture3
SI5099 Proposal Seminar Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3
SI5101 Civil Engineering Analysis Lecture4
SI5102 Computational Civil Engineering Lecture2
SI5111 Elasticity and Plasticity Lecture4
SI5112 Advanced Mechanics of Material Lecture4
SI5113 Advanced Concrete Technology Lecture4
SI5114 Concrete Structure Behavior Lecture4
SI5121 Advanced Soil Mechanics Lecture4
SI5122 Field and Laboratory Soil Investigation Lecture4
SI5123 Soil Behavior Lecture4
SI5131 Advanced Fluid Mechanics Lecture3
SI5132 Numerical Methods for Water Resourcex Engineering Lecture3
SI5141 Transportation Economics Lecture4
SI5142 Transportation Infrastructure Engineering Lecture4
SI5143 Transport Policy and Planning Lecture4
SI5144 Transportation System Modelling Lecture4
SI5151 Construction Economics and Infrastructure Financing Lecture4
SI5152 Infrastructure Asset Management System Lecture4
SI5211 Behaviour of Steel Structure Lecture4
SI5212 Advanced Structural Dynamics Lecture4
SI5221 Advanced Foundation Engineering Lecture4
SI5222 Geotechnical Stability Problem Lecture4
SI5232 Advanced Hydraulics Lecture3
SI5241 Simulation Model of Transportation System Lecture4
SI5242 Advanced Traffic Engineering Lecture4
SI5243 Sustainable Urban Transportation System Lecture4
SI5251 Procurement and Contract Management Lecture4
SI5252 Construction Operations Management Lecture4
SI5501 Independent Study of Advanced Numerical Method Lecture2
SI5598 Independent Study of Research Methodology Lecture2
SI5601 Independent Study of Engineering Analysis Lecture2
SI5611 Independent Study of Elasticity and Plasticity Lecture2
SI5612 Independent Study of Advanced Mechanics of Material Lecture2
SI5613 Independent Study of Advanced Concrete Technoloogy Lecture2
SI5614 Independent Study of Concrete Structure Behaviour Lecture2
SI5621 Independent Study of Advanced Soil Mechanics Lecture2
SI5622 Independent Study of Field and Laboratory SoilInvestigation Lecture2
SI5623 Independent Study of Soil Behavior Lecture2
SI5631 Independent Study of Advanced Fluid Mechanics Lecture2
SI5632 Independent Study of Water ResourcesManagement Planning Lecture2
SI5641 Independent Study of Transportation Policy and Planning Lecture2
SI5642 Independent Study of Transportation Economics Lecture2
SI5643 Independent Study of TransportationInfrastructure Engineering Lecture2
SI5651 Independent Study of Construction Productivity Lecture2
SI5652 Independent Study of Project Planning and Controlling System Lecture2
SI5653 Independent Study of Construction Business Management Lecture2
SI5661 Independent Study of Infrastructure Management Lecture2
SI5662 Independent Study of Infrastructures FeasibilityStudy and Funding Lecture2
SI5711 Independent Study of Behaviour of Steel Structures Lecture2
SI5712 Independent Study of Advanced StructuralDynamics Lecture2
SI5721 Independent Study of Advance Engineering Foundation Lecture2
SI5722 Independent Study of Stability in Geotechnical Engineering Lecture2
SI5731 Independent Study of Numerical Methods dan Finite Element Lecture2
SI5732 Independent Study of Advanced Hydraulics Lecture2
SI5741 Independent Study of Simulation Model ofTransportation System Lecture2
SI5742 Independent Study of Advanced Traffic Engineering Lecture2
SI5743 Independent Study of Sustainable Urban Transportation System Lecture2
SI5745 Independent Study of Transportation System Modeling Lecture2
SI5751 Independent Study of Legal Aspects andContract Management Lecture2
SI5752 Independent Study of Construction CostEngineering Lecture2
SI5753 Independent Study of Design & Analysis ofConstruction Operations Lecture2
SI5761 Independent Study of Infrastructure OperationManagement Lecture2
SI5762 Independent Study of Assesment and Evaluation ofInfrastructure Condition Lecture2
SI5763 Independent Study of Infrastructure MaintenanceandRehabilitation Lecture2
SI6041 Special Topic Transportation Engineering Lecture4
SI6052 Special Topic in Construction and Infrastructure Management Lecture2
SI6098 Theses and Research Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation6
SI6099 Masters Thesis Defense Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
SI6111 Experimental Dynamic and Control Lecture4
SI6112 Bridge Engineering Lecture4
SI6114 Plastic Design Lecture4
SI6115 Earthquake Engineering Lecture4
SI6116 Probability and Reliability in Structural Engineering Lecture4
SI6117 Performance-Based Design Lecture4
SI6118 Wind Engineering for Structures Lecture4
SI6121 Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Lecture4
SI6123 Finite Element Method in Geotechnical Engineering Lecture4
SI6131 Groundwater Modelling Lecture3
SI6132 Physical Hydraulic Model Lecture3
SI6135 Coastal Structure Lecture3
SI6141 Group Field Project Lecture4
SI6142 Transportation Policy and Financing Analysis Lecture4
SI6143 Analysis of Airport Infrastructure Systems Lecture4
SI6144 Port Infratsructure System Analysis Lecture4
SI6145 Traffic Impact and Transportation Safety Analysis Lecture4
SI6146 System of Assets Management of Transportation Infrastructure Lecture4
SI6148 Train Management and Engineering Lecture4
SI6151 Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Lecture4
SI6152 Infrastructure Risk Management Lecture4
SI6153 Construction Business Management Lecture4
SI6154 Construction Industry System Lecture4
SI6211 Optimization in Structure Engineering Lecture4
SI6212 Experimental Method in Civil Engineering Lecture4
SI6213 Repair, Strengthening, and Retrofit Lecture4
SI6214 Theory of Stability Lecture4
SI6221 Soil Improvement Lecture4
SI6222 Special Topics in Geotechnical Engineering Lecture4
SI6223 Finite Element Method in Structural Engineering Lecture4
SI6224 Rock Mechanics Lecture4
SI6225 Dynamic Foundations Lecture4
SI6227 Unsaturated Soil Mechanics Lecture4
SI6228 Advanced Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Lecture4
SI6232 Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Water Resources Lecture3
SI6241 Terminal Engineering Lecture4
SI6243 Transportation and Logistic Networks Design Lecture4
SI6244 Econometric in Transportation Engineering Lecture4
SI6251 Advanced Construction Method Lecture2
SI6252 Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Lecture2
SI6542 Independent Study of Special Topics:Transportation Engineering Lecture2
SI6551 Independent Study of Special Topic inConstruction Engineering and Management Lecture2
SI6611 Independent Study of Experimental Dynamic and Control Lecture2
SI6612 Independent Study of Bridge Engineering Lecture2
SI6613 Independent Study of Theory of Stability Lecture2
SI6614 Independent Study of Plastic Design Lecture2
SI6615 Independent Study of Earthquake Engineering Lecture2
SI6616 Independent Study of Probability and Reliability in Structural Engineering Lecture2
SI6617 Independent Study of Performance-Based Design Lecture2
SI6618 Independent Study of Wind Engineering for Structures Lecture2
SI6621 Independent Study of Soil Dynamics andEarthquake Engineering Lecture2
SI6631 Independent Study of Theory of Groundwater Modelling Lecture2
SI6632 Independent Study of Physical Hydraulic Model Lecture2
SI6633 Independent Study of Erosion and Sediment Transport Lecture2
SI6634 Independent Study of Transien Flow in Pipes Lecture2
SI6635 Independent Study of Coastal Structure Lecture2
SI6641 Independent Study of Group Field Project Lecture2
SI6642 Independent Study of Policy Analysis and Transportation Funding Lecture2
SI6643 Independent Study of Analysis of AirportInfrastructure Systems Lecture2
SI6644 Independent Study of Analysis of Sea PortInfrastructure Systems Lecture2
SI6645 Independent Study of Traffic Impact andTransportation Safety Analysis Lecture2
SI6646 Independent Study of System of Assets Management of TransportationInfrastructure Lecture2
SI6648 Independent Study of Railway Engineering andManagement Lecture2
SI6651 Independent Study of Quality Manajemen in Construction Lecture2
SI6652 Independent Study of Decision Making in Probability Lecture2
SI6653 Independent Study of Construction Project Risk Management Lecture2
SI6654 Independent Study of Feasibility Study and Funding of Infrastructures Lecture2
SI6661 Independent Study of InfrastructureManagementInformationSystem Lecture2
SI6662 Independent Study of Special Topics inInfrastructure Engineering Lecture2
SI6711 Independent Study of Optimization in Structure Engineering Lecture2
SI6712 Independent Study of Experimental Method in Civil Engineering Lecture2
SI6713 Independent Study of Repair, Strengthening and Retrofit Lecture2
SI6721 Independent Study of Soil Improvement Lecture2
SI6722 Independent Study of Special Topics inGeotechnical Engineering Lecture2
SI6723 Independent Study of Finite Element Methods Lecture2
SI6724 Independent Study of Rock Mechanics Lecture2
SI6725 Independent Study of Dynamic Foundations Lecture2
SI6727 Independent Study of Unsaturated Soil Mechanics Lecture2
SI6728 Independent Study of Advaced Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Development of Ground Motions for Dynamic Analysis in Seismix-Resistant Design of Buildings and Infrastructures Lecture2
SI6731 Independent Study of Water Quality Modeling Lecture2
SI6741 Independent Study of Terminal Planning and Design Lecture2
SI6743 Independent Study of Transportation and Logistics Network Planning Lecture2
SI6744 Independent Study of Econometric inTransportationEngineering Lecture2
SI6751 Independent Study of Construction Safety Lecture2
SI6752 Independent Study of Human Resources Management inConstruction Industry Lecture2
SI6753 Independent Study of Construction Project Risk Management Lecture2
SI6754 Independent Study of Assessment and Evaluation ofInfrastructure Condition Lecture2
SI6755 Independent Study of InfrastructureMaintenance and Rehabilitation Lecture2
SI6756 Independent Study of Disaster Mitigation on Infrastructure Lecture2
SI6761 Independent Study of Disaster Mitigation onInfrastructure Lecture2
SI6762 Independent Study of Environmental Management Lecture2
SI6999 Finite Element Methods for Water Resources Engineering Lecture3