FakultasNo ProdiProgram Studi
KodeMata KuliahKategoriSKS
FI5001 Analytical Mechanics Lecture3
FI5002 Quantum Mechanics Lecture3
FI5003 Electrodynamics Lecture3
FI5004 Statistical Mechanics Lecture3
FI5005 Physical System Computation Lecture3
FI5006 Physical Instrumentation System Lecture3
FI5007 Digital Literacy and Academic Ethics Lecture2
FI5008 Research Metodology Lecture3
FI5091 Independent Research I Lecture4
FI5092 Independent Research Seminar I Lecture1
FI5093 Independent Research II Lecture4
FI5094 Independent Research Seminar II Lecture1
FI5101 Physics Independent Work 1 Lecture2
FI5102 Physics Independent Work 2 Lecture2
FI5121 Electronic Structure of Solids Lecture3
FI5131 Selected Topics in Electronic Materials Lecture3
FI5141 Advanced Reactor Physics Lecture2
FI5151 Advanced Radiation Physics Lecture2
FI5161 Earth’s Dynamics Subsurface Imaging Lecture3
FI5162 Rock Physics and Reservoir Characterization Lecture3
FI5171 Nanosensor and Its Application Lecture2
FI5201 Physics Independent Work 3 Lecture2
FI5202 Physics Independent Work 4 Lecture2
FI5211 Advanced General Relativity Lecture3
FI5212 Quantum Field Theory I Lecture3
FI5221 Modern Optical Imaging and Visualisation Lecture3
FI5231 Selected Topics in Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Lecture3
FI5241 Advanced Nuclear Physics Lecture2
FI5251 Radiation Physics Application in Health Lecture2
FI5261 Earth Physics Modeling and Inversion Lecture3
FI5271 Data Analysis and Its Interpretation in Physical Systems Lecture2
FI5272 Smart Instrumentation System Lecture2
FI6001 Theses I Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation6
FI6002 Theses II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation6
FI6003 Master Seminar Lecture2
FI6004 Independent Study I Lecture3
FI6005 Independent Study II Lecture3
FI6006 Independent Study for Analytical Mechanics Lecture2
FI6007 Independent Study for Quantum Mechanics Lecture2
FI6008 Independent Study for Electrodynamics Lecture2
FI6009 Independent Study for Statistical Mechanics Lecture2
FI6011 Special Topics of Theoretical Physics Lecture2
FI6091 Independent Research III Lecture4
FI6092 Independent Research Seminar III Lecture1
FI6093 Independent Research IV Lecture4
FI6095 Theses by Reasearch I Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation8
FI6096 Theses by Reasearch II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation8
FI6101 Physics Independent Work 5 Lecture2
FI6102 Physics Independent Work 6 Lecture2
FI6103 Independent Study for Physical System Computation Lecture2
FI6104 Independent Study for Physical Instrumentation System Lecture2
FI6111 Quantum Field Theory II Lecture3
FI6121 Functional Materials and Its Applications Lecture3
FI6131 Selected Topics in Computation of Advanced Material Lecture3
FI6151 Selected Topics in Nuclear Physics Lecture2
FI6161 Vulcanology and Geothermal Lecture3
FI6171 Analytical Instrument Lecture2
FI6172 Advanced in Instrumentation and Computational Physics Lecture2
FI6201 Physics Independent Work 7 Lecture2
FI6202 Physics Independent Work 8 Lecture2
FI6221 Advances in Magnetic and Photonic Lecture3
FI6231 Selected Topics in Functionalization of Advanced Material Lecture3
FI6251 Selected Topics in Biophysics Lecture2
FI6261 Selected Topics in Earth Physics Complex Systems Lecture2
FI6271 Special topics in Instrumentation and Computation Lecture2