FakultasNo ProdiProgram Studi
KodeMata KuliahKategoriSKS
PM5001 Independent Study 1 Lecture2
PM5002 Independece Study 2 Lecture2
PM5003 Independent Study 3 Lecture2
PM5004 Independent Study 4 Lecture2
PM5005 Independent Study 5 Lecture2
PM5006 Independent Study 6 Lecture2
PM5051 Combinatorics Lecture4
PM5111 Argumentation and Mathematical Proving Lecture4
PM5141 Euclides Geometry Lecture4
PM5211 Mathematical Proficiencies Lecture4
PM5221 Theory of Polynomials Lecture4
PM5281 Statistics Lecture4
PM6001 Independent Study I7 Lecture2
PM6002 Independent Study 8 Lecture2
PM6003 Independent Study 9 Lecture2
PM6004 Independent Study 10 Lecture2
PM6005 Independent Study 11 Lecture2
PM6006 Independent Study 12 Lecture2
PM6007 Independent Study 13 Lecture2
PM6008 Independent Study 14 Lecture2
PM6009 Independent Study 15 Lecture2
PM6011 Project I Lecture4
PM6012 Project II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
PM6013 Case Study I Lecture3
PM6014 Case Study II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
PM6015 Comprehensive Examination Lecture3
PM6016 Thesis Defense Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
PM6021 Exploration in Algebra Lecture4
PM6031 Exploration in Analysis Lecture4
PM6041 Exploration in Geometry Lecture4
PM6042 Functions and Analytic Geometry Lecture4
PM6043 Symmetry and Transformation Lecture4
PM6051 Exploration in Discrete Mathematics Lecture4
PM6052 Arithmetic and Number Theory Lecture4
PM6071 Modeling in School Mathematics Lecture4
PM6081 Explorations in Statistics Lecture4
PM6091 Independent Study 16 Lecture2
PM6092 Independent Study 17 Lecture2
PM6093 Independent Study 18 Lecture2
PM6094 Exploration in Teaching Lecture4
PM6095 Topics in Teaching Mathematics Lecture2
PM6111 School Mathematics Learning Lecture4