Business Analytics

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2 MB6014 Advanced Business Analytics 4
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3 MB6015 Information Systems Management 4
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6016 Simulation Modeling 4
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6044 Special Topics in Management 1 [2] 4
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics [2] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6048 Masters Research I [2] 8
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics [2] 3
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6049 Masters Research II [2] 8 MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
[1] Khusus Master's Program with Research Thesis
[2] Khusus Research-Based Master's Program (MBR)

Decision Making in Complex Social System

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2 MB6017 Creative Problem Solving 4
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3 MB6018 Service Science Management 4
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6019 Confrontation and Collaboration Analysis 4
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6044 Special Topics in Management 1 [2] 4
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics [2] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6048 Masters Research I [2] 8
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics [2] 3
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6049 Masters Research II [2] 8 MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
[1] Khusus Master's Program with Research Thesis
[2] Khusus Research-Based Master's Program (MBR)


Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2 MB6002 Financial Statement Analysis 3
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3 MB6003 Corporate Finance 3
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6004 Portfolio and Investment Management 3
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6007 Time Series Analysis and Data Analytics 3
MB6001 Advanced Economics 3 MB6044 Special Topics in Management 1 [2] 4
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics [2] 3 MB6048 Masters Research I [2] 8
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6005 Fixed Income and Derivatives 3 MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6006 Ethics and Professional Standards in Investment 2 MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
MB6049 Masters Research II [2] 8 MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
[1] Khusus Master's Program with Research Thesis
[2] Khusus Research-Based Master's Program (MBR)

Human and Knowledge Management for Sustainability

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2 MB6037 Human Capital Management in the Digital Era 4
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3 MB6038 Knowledge Management and Learning Organization 4
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6039 People Analytics 4
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6044 Special Topics in Management 1 [2] 4
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics [2] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6048 Masters Research I [2] 8
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics [2] 3
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6049 Masters Research II [2] 8 MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
[1] Khusus Master's Program with Research Thesis
[2] Khusus Research-Based Master's Program (MBR)

Marketing Management and Business Strategy

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2 MB6022 Strategic Value Innovation 4
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3 MB6023 Digital Marketing 4
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6024 Advanced Consumer Behavior 4
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6044 Special Topics in Management 1 [2] 4
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics [2] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6048 Masters Research I [2] 8
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics [2] 3
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6049 Masters Research II [2] 8 MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
[1] Khusus Master's Program with Research Thesis
[2] Khusus Research-Based Master's Program (MBR)

Operations and Performance Management

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2 MB6034 Sustainable Transportation and Logistics 4
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3 MB6035 Halal Value Chains and Operations 4
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6036 Corporate Performance Management 4
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6044 Special Topics in Management 1 [2] 4
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics [2] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6048 Masters Research I [2] 8
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics [2] 3
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6049 Masters Research II [2] 8 MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
[1] Khusus Master's Program with Research Thesis
[2] Khusus Research-Based Master's Program (MBR)

Organizational & Cross-Cultural Change Management

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2 MB6040 Intercultural and Conflict Management 4
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3 MB6041 Gender in Organization 4
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6042 Organisational Change Management 4
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6044 Special Topics in Management 1 [2] 4
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics [2] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6048 Masters Research I [2] 8
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics [2] 3
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6049 Masters Research II [2] 8 MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
[1] Khusus Master's Program with Research Thesis
[2] Khusus Research-Based Master's Program (MBR)

Technology Management and Entrepreneurship

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2 MB6028 Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship 4
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3 MB6029 Commercialization and Technology Transfer 4
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6030 Entrepreneurship Studies 4
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3 MB6031 Small Business Studies 4
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics [2] 3 MB6044 Special Topics in Management 1 [2] 4
MB5101 Research Methodology [1] 3 MB5201 Research Proposal [1] 3
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics [2] 3 MB6048 Masters Research I [2] 8
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics [1] 2
MB5103 Management Thought and Research [1] 3
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology [1] 3
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology [1] 3
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6049 Masters Research II [2] 8 MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6091 Thesis I [1] 3 MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
MB5401 Scientific Publication [1] 4
MB6092 Thesis II [1] 5
MB6099 Masters Defense [1] 2
[1] Khusus Master's Program with Research Thesis
[2] Khusus Research-Based Master's Program (MBR)
FakultasNo ProdiProgram Studi
KodeMata KuliahKategoriSKS
MB5001 Fundamentals of Management and Organization Lecture2
MB5002 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship & Technology Management Lecture2
MB5003 Fundamentals of Economics and Financial Management Lecture2
MB5004 Fundamentals of Marketing Management Lecture2
MB5005 Fundamentals of Operation Management Lecture2
MB5006 Fundamentals of People & Knowledge Management Lecture2
MB5007 Fundamentals of Decision Making in Organization Lecture3
MB5101 Research Methodology Lecture3
MB5102 Digital Literacy, AI, and Academic Ethics Lecture2
MB5103 Management Thought and Research Lecture3
MB5104 Quantitative Research Methodology Lecture3
MB5105 Qualitative Research Methodology Lecture3
MB5201 Research Proposal Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3
MB5401 Scientific Publication Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
MB6001 Advanced Economics Lecture3
MB6002 Financial Statement Analysis Lecture3
MB6003 Corporate Finance Lecture3
MB6004 Portfolio and Investment Management Lecture3
MB6005 Fixed Income and Derivatives Lecture3
MB6006 Ethics and Professional Standards in Investment Lecture2
MB6007 Time Series Analysis and Data Analytics Lecture3
MB6008 Financial Risk Management Lecture4
MB6009 Digital Economy and Financial Technology Lecture4
MB6010 Islamic Financial and Banking Systems Lecture4
MB6011 Behavioral Finance Lecture4
MB6012 Advanced Financial Planning Lecture4
MB6013 Practice in Data Analytics Lecture3
MB6014 Advanced Business Analytics Lecture4
MB6015 Information Systems Management Lecture4
MB6016 Simulation Modeling Lecture4
MB6017 Creative Problem Solving Lecture4
MB6018 Service Science Management Lecture4
MB6019 Confrontation and Collaboration Analysis Lecture4
MB6020 Science-Based Policy Lecture4
MB6021 Advanced Decision Making and Negotiation Lecture4
MB6022 Strategic Value Innovation Lecture4
MB6023 Digital Marketing Lecture4
MB6024 Advanced Consumer Behavior Lecture4
MB6025 Marketing Research Lecture4
MB6026 Branding Science Lecture4
MB6027 Corporate Strategy Lecture4
MB6028 Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lecture4
MB6029 Commercialization and Technology Transfer Lecture4
MB6030 Entrepreneurship Studies Lecture4
MB6031 Small Business Studies Lecture4
MB6032 Digital Technology in Business Lecture4
MB6033 Technology Acquisition and Assessment Lecture4
MB6034 Sustainable Transportation and Logistics Lecture4
MB6035 Halal Value Chains and Operations Lecture4
MB6036 Corporate Performance Management Lecture4
MB6037 Human Capital Management in the Digital Era Lecture4
MB6038 Knowledge Management and Learning Organization Lecture4
MB6039 People Analytics Lecture4
MB6040 Intercultural and Conflict Management Lecture4
MB6041 Gender in Organization Lecture4
MB6042 Organisational Change Management Lecture4
MB6043 Organizational Behaviour Lecture4
MB6044 Special Topics in Management 1 Lecture4
MB6045 Special Topics in Management 2 Lecture4
MB6046 Masters Professional Development 1 Internship4
MB6047 Masters Professional Development 2 Internship4
MB6048 Masters Research I Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation8
MB6049 Masters Research II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation8
MB6091 Thesis I Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3
MB6092 Thesis II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation5
MB6099 Masters Defense Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2