
Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MA5021 Matrix Analysis 4 MA5031 Advanced Real Analysis 4
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 MA5095 Research Methodology 3
MA5221 Module Theory 4
MA6023 MKO Algebra I 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MA6121 Group Theory 4 MA6095 Master Thesis Defense 2
MA6093 Paper I [1] 4 MA6094 Paper II [1] 4
MA6096 Case Study Report I [2] 3 MA6097 Case Study Report II [2] 3
MA6091 Thesis I [3] [1] 4 MA6098 Comprehensive examination [2] 3
MA6092 Thesis II [3] [1] 3
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Riset (MBR)
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan TA Studi Kasus
[3] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset

Analysis and Geometry

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MA5021 Matrix Analysis 4 MA5031 Advanced Real Analysis 4
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 MA5095 Research Methodology 3
MA5036 MKO Analysis and Geometry 4 MA5037 MKO Analysis and Geometry II 4
MA6035 MKO Analysis and Geometry III 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MA6093 Paper I [1] 4 MA6095 Master Thesis Defense 2
MA6096 Case Study Report I [2] 3 MA6094 Paper II [1] 4
MA6091 Thesis I [3] [1] 4 MA6097 Case Study Report II [2] 3
MA6098 Comprehensive examination [2] 3
MA6092 Thesis II [3] [1] 3
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Riset (MBR)
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan TA Studi Kasus
[3] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset

Combinatorial Mathematics

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MA5021 Matrix Analysis 4 MA5031 Advanced Real Analysis 4
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 MA5095 Research Methodology 3
MA5251 Graph Theory 4
MA6054 MKO Combinatorial Mathematics II 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MA6053 MKO Combinatorial Mathematics I 4 MA6095 Master Thesis Defense 2
MA6093 Paper I [1] 4 MA6094 Paper II [1] 4
MA6096 Case Study Report I [2] 3 MA6097 Case Study Report II [2] 3
MA6091 Thesis I [3] [1] 4 MA6098 Comprehensive examination [2] 3
MA6092 Thesis II [3] [1] 3
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Riset (MBR)
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan TA Studi Kasus
[3] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset

Industrial and Financial Mathematics

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MA5021 Matrix Analysis 4 MA5031 Advanced Real Analysis 4
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 MA5095 Research Methodology 3
MA5073 MKO Finance and Industrial Mathematics 4 MA5074 MKO Finance and Industrial Mathematics II 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MA6073 MKO Finance and Industrial Mathematics III 4 MA6095 Master Thesis Defense 2
MA6093 Paper I [1] 4 MA6094 Paper II [1] 4
MA6096 Case Study Report I [2] 3 MA6097 Case Study Report II [2] 3
MA6091 Thesis I [3] [1] 4 MA6098 Comprehensive examination [2] 3
MA6092 Thesis II [3] [1] 3
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Riset (MBR)
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan TA Studi Kasus
[3] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset


Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MA5021 Matrix Analysis 4 MA5031 Advanced Real Analysis 4
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 MA5095 Research Methodology 3
MA5181 Stochastic Processes 4 MA5281 Probability Measure 4
MA6084 MKO Statistics I 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
MA6093 Paper I [1] 4 MA6095 Master Thesis Defense 2
MA6096 Case Study Report I [2] 3 MA6094 Paper II [1] 4
MA6091 Thesis I [3] [1] 4 MA6097 Case Study Report II [2] 3
MA6098 Comprehensive examination [2] 3
MA6092 Thesis II [3] [1] 3
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Riset (MBR)
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan TA Studi Kasus
[3] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset
FakultasNo ProdiProgram Studi
KodeMata KuliahKategoriSKS
MA5011 Matrix Analysis Independent Study Lecture2
MA5012 Advanced Real Analysis Independent Study Lecture2
MA5013 Module Theory Independent Study Lecture2
MA5021 Matrix Analysis Lecture4
MA5022 Algebra I Lecture4
MA5023 Algebra II Lecture4
MA5024 Topics in Algebra I Lecture4
MA5025 Topics in Algebra II Lecture4
MA5031 Advanced Real Analysis Lecture4
MA5032 Real Analysis Lecture4
MA5033 Topology Lecture4
MA5034 Topics in Analysis I Lecture4
MA5035 Topics in Analysis II Lecture4
MA5036 MKO Analysis and Geometry Lecture4
MA5037 MKO Analysis and Geometry II Lecture4
MA5041 Topics in Geometry I Lecture4
MA5042 Topics in Geometry II Lecture4
MA5051 Topics in Discrete Mathematics I Lecture4
MA5052 Topics in Discrete Mathematics II Lecture4
MA505X MKO Matematika Kombinatorika II Lecture4
MA5061 Financial Econometrics Lecture4
MA506X MKO Aljabar I Lecture4
MA5071 Topics in Applied Mathematics I Lecture4
MA5072 Topics in Applied Mathematics II Lecture4
MA5073 MKO Finance and Industrial Mathematics Lecture4
MA5074 MKO Finance and Industrial Mathematics II Lecture4
MA507X MKO Statistika I Lecture4
MA5081 Topics in Statistics I Lecture4
MA5082 Topics in Statistics II Lecture4
MA5083 Financial Time Series Analysis Lecture4
MA5084 Advanced Biostatistics Lecture4
MA5085 Advanced Statistical Inference Lecture4
MA5086 Advanced Multivariate Analysis Lecture4
MA5091 Independent Study I Lecture4
MA5092 Independent Study II Lecture4
MA5093 Research I Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
MA5094 Research II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
MA5095 Research Methodology Lecture3
MA50XX MKO Analisis dan Geometri I Lecture4
MA50XY MKO Analisis dan Geometri II Lecture4
MA50YY MKO Matematika Industri dan Keuangan I Lecture4
MA50YZ MKO Matematika Industri dan Keuangan II Lecture4
MA50ZX MKO Matematika Kombinatorika I Lecture4
MA50ZY MKO Matematika Industri dan Keuangan III Lecture4
MA50ZZ MKO Analisis dan Geometri III Lecture4
MA5111 Lebesgue Measure and Integral Independent Study Lecture2
MA5112 Financial Mathematics Independent Study Lecture2
MA5113 Dynamical System Independent Study Lecture2
MA5114 Stochastic Process Independent Study Lecture2
MA5131 Complex Analysis Lecture4
MA5161 Advanced Financial Mathematics Lecture4
MA5171 Advanced Optimization Method Lecture4
MA5172 Dynamical System Lecture4
MA5181 Stochastic Processes Lecture4
MA5182 Reliability Analysis Lecture4
MA5183 Spatial Analysis and Modeling Lecture4
MA5191 Independent Study I Lecture2
MA5192 Independent Study II Lecture3
MA5211 Complex Analysis Independent Study Lecture2
MA5212 Fourier Analysis Independent Study Lecture2
MA5213 Advanced Partial Differential Equation Independent Study Lecture2
MA5214 Optimal Control Theory Independent Study Lecture2
MA5215 Graph Theory Independent Study Lecture2
MA5216 Probability Measure Independent Study Lecture2
MA5221 Module Theory Lecture4
MA5231 Lebesgue Measure and Integral Lecture4
MA5232 Fourier Analysis Lecture4
MA5251 Graph Theory Lecture4
MA5262 Computational Finance Lecture4
MA5271 Advanced Partial Differential Equation Lecture4
MA5272 Optimal Control Theory Lecture4
MA5273 Computational Fluid Dynamics Lecture4
MA5274 Population Dynamics Lecture4
MA5281 Probability Measure Lecture4
MA5282 Space Time Analysis Lecture4
MA5283 Object-Oriented Data Analysis Lecture4
MA5291 Independent Study III Lecture2
MA5292 Independent Study IV Lecture3
MA6021 Topics in Algebra III Lecture4
MA6022 Topics in Algebra IV Lecture4
MA6023 MKO Algebra I Lecture4
MA6033 Topics in Analysis III Lecture4
MA6034 Topics in Analysis IV Lecture4
MA6035 MKO Analysis and Geometry III Lecture4
MA6041 Topics in Geometry III Lecture4
MA6042 Topics in Geometry IV Lecture4
MA6051 Topics in Discrete Mathematics III Lecture4
MA6052 Topics in Discrete Mathematics IV Lecture4
MA6053 MKO Combinatorial Mathematics I Lecture4
MA6054 MKO Combinatorial Mathematics II Lecture4
MA6071 Topics in Applied Mathematics III Lecture4
MA6072 Topics in Applied Mathematics IV Lecture4
MA6073 MKO Finance and Industrial Mathematics III Lecture4
MA6081 Topics in Statistics III Lecture4
MA6082 Topics in Statistics IV Lecture4
MA6083 Statistical Learning Theory Lecture4
MA6084 MKO Statistics I Lecture4
MA6091 Thesis I Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
MA6092 Thesis II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3
MA6093 Paper I Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
MA6094 Paper II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
MA6095 Master Thesis Defense Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
MA6096 Case Study Report I Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3
MA6097 Case Study Report II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3
MA6098 Comprehensive examination Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3
MA6111 Group Theory Independent Study Lecture2
MA6112 Functional Analysis Independent Study Lecture2
MA6113 Algebraic Graph Theory Independent Study Lecture2
MA6114 Association Schemes Independent Study Lecture2
MA6121 Group Theory Lecture4
MA6131 Functional Analysis Lecture4
MA6151 Algebraic Graph Theory Lecture4
MA6152 Association Schemes Lecture4
MA6171 Robust Control Theory Lecture4
MA6181 Copula Lecture4
MA6191 Independent Study V Lecture4
MA6192 Independent Study VI Lecture4
MA61XX MKO Matematika Kombinatorika I Lecture4
MA6271 Nonlinear Control Theory Lecture4