Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
RN5001 Nuclear Energy Systems 4 RN5041 Radiation Physics and Advanced Dosimetry 4
RN5002 Nuclear System Applications 4 RN5042 Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Physics 4
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 RN5043 Advanced Radiotherapy Physics 4
RN5004 Research Methodology 3 RN5091 Thesis Proposal [2] 4
RN5091 Thesis Proposal [1] 4 RN5092 Final Project Proposal [3] 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
RN6091 Case Study 1 [4] 4 RN6099 Masters Defense 2
RN6093 Final Project 1 [3] 4 RN6098 Thesis 2 [2] 4
RN6095 Thesis 1 MBR [1] 6 RN6092 Case Study 2 [4] 4
RN6097 Thesis 1 [2] 4 RN6094 Final Project 2 [3] 4
RN6090 Comprehensive Examination [4] 3 RN6096 Thesis 2 MBR [1] 6
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Riset (MBR)
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset
[3] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Proyek
[4] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan TA Studi Kasus

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
RN5001 Nuclear Energy Systems 4 RN5011 Nuclear Reactor Analysis 4
RN5002 Nuclear System Applications 4 RN5012 Thermalhydraulics and Nuclear Safety 4
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 RN5013 Nuclear Computing 4
RN5004 Research Methodology 3 RN5091 Thesis Proposal [2] 4
RN5091 Thesis Proposal [1] 4 RN5092 Final Project Proposal [3] 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
RN6091 Case Study 1 [4] 4 RN6099 Masters Defense 2
RN6093 Final Project 1 [3] 4 RN6098 Thesis 2 [2] 4
RN6095 Thesis 1 MBR [1] 6 RN6092 Case Study 2 [4] 4
RN6097 Thesis 1 [2] 4 RN6094 Final Project 2 [3] 4
RN6090 Comprehensive Examination [4] 3 RN6096 Thesis 2 MBR [1] 6
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Riset (MBR)
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset
[3] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Proyek
[4] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan TA Studi Kasus

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
RN5001 Nuclear Energy Systems 4 RN5021 Nuclear Materials Science and Technology 4
RN5002 Nuclear System Applications 4 RN5022 Thermodynamics of Materials 4
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 RN5023 Computation and Simulation of Materials 4
RN5004 Research Methodology 3 RN5091 Thesis Proposal [2] 4
RN5091 Thesis Proposal [1] 4 RN5092 Final Project Proposal [3] 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
RN6091 Case Study 1 [4] 4 RN6099 Masters Defense 2
RN6093 Final Project 1 [3] 4 RN6098 Thesis 2 [2] 4
RN6095 Thesis 1 MBR [1] 6 RN6092 Case Study 2 [4] 4
RN6097 Thesis 1 [2] 4 RN6094 Final Project 2 [3] 4
RN6090 Comprehensive Examination [4] 3 RN6096 Thesis 2 MBR [1] 6
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Riset (MBR)
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset
[3] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Proyek
[4] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan TA Studi Kasus

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
RN5001 Nuclear Energy Systems 4 RN5031 Nuclear Instrumentation Systems 4
RN5002 Nuclear System Applications 4 RN5032 Applications of AI and Advanced Computing in Nuclear Instrumentation 4
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 RN5033 Advanced Nuclear Instrumentation 4
RN5004 Research Methodology 3 RN5091 Thesis Proposal [2] 4
RN5091 Thesis Proposal [1] 4 RN5092 Final Project Proposal [3] 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
RN6091 Case Study 1 [4] 4 RN6099 Masters Defense 2
RN6093 Final Project 1 [3] 4 RN6098 Thesis 2 [2] 4
RN6095 Thesis 1 MBR [1] 6 RN6092 Case Study 2 [4] 4
RN6097 Thesis 1 [2] 4 RN6094 Final Project 2 [3] 4
RN6090 Comprehensive Examination [4] 3 RN6096 Thesis 2 MBR [1] 6
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Riset (MBR)
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset
[3] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Proyek
[4] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan TA Studi Kasus

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
RN5001 Nuclear Energy Systems 4 RN5051 Nuclear Models 4
RN5002 Nuclear System Applications 4 RN5052 Nuclear Reactions 4
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 RN5053 Nuclear Data 4
RN5004 Research Methodology 3 RN5091 Thesis Proposal [2] 4
RN5091 Thesis Proposal [1] 4 RN5092 Final Project Proposal [3] 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
RN6091 Case Study 1 [4] 4 RN6099 Masters Defense 2
RN6093 Final Project 1 [3] 4 RN6098 Thesis 2 [2] 4
RN6095 Thesis 1 MBR [1] 6 RN6092 Case Study 2 [4] 4
RN6097 Thesis 1 [2] 4 RN6094 Final Project 2 [3] 4
RN6090 Comprehensive Examination [4] 3 RN6096 Thesis 2 MBR [1] 6
[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Riset (MBR)
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset
[3] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Proyek
[4] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan TA Studi Kasus
FakultasNo ProdiProgram Studi
KodeMata KuliahKategoriSKS
RN5001 Nuclear Energy Systems Lecture4
RN5002 Nuclear System Applications Lecture4
RN5004 Research Methodology Lecture3
RN5011 Nuclear Reactor Analysis Lecture4
RN5012 Thermalhydraulics and Nuclear Safety Lecture4
RN5013 Nuclear Computing Lecture4
RN5021 Nuclear Materials Science and Technology Lecture4
RN5022 Thermodynamics of Materials Lecture4
RN5023 Computation and Simulation of Materials Lecture4
RN5031 Nuclear Instrumentation Systems Lecture4
RN5032 Applications of AI and Advanced Computing in Nuclear Instrumentation Lecture4
RN5033 Advanced Nuclear Instrumentation Lecture4
RN5041 Radiation Physics and Advanced Dosimetry Lecture4
RN5042 Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Physics Lecture4
RN5043 Advanced Radiotherapy Physics Lecture4
RN5051 Nuclear Models Lecture4
RN5052 Nuclear Reactions Lecture4
RN5053 Nuclear Data Lecture4
RN5061 Nuclear Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation Lecture3
RN5062 Laboratory Lecture2
RN5063 Structural Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant Design Lecture3
RN5071 Independent Research 1 Lecture3
RN5072 Independent Research 2 Lecture3
RN5073 Independent Research 3 Lecture3
RN5091 Thesis Proposal Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
RN5092 Final Project Proposal Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
RN5901 Independent Study of Nuclear Science and Engineering Lecture2
RN5902 Independent Study of Nuclear Engineering and Safety Lecture2
RN5903 Independent Study of Nuclear Reactor Analysis Lecture2
RN5904 Independent Study of Nuclear Reactor Thermodynamics Lecture2
RN5905 Independent Study of Nuclear Reactor Experiments Lecture1
RN5906 Independent Study of Applied Engineering Analysis Lecture2
RN5907 Independent Study of Nuclear Power Plant Technology Lecture2
RN5908 Independent Study of Modern Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems Lecture2
RN5909 Independent Study of Nuclear Materials Science Lecture2
RN5910 Independent Study of Selected Topics in Nuclear Energy Engineering Lecture2
RN5911 Independent Study of Probabilistic Safety Analysis Lecture2
RN5912 Independent Study of Nuclear Surveillance System Lecture2
RN5913 Independent Study of Energy Planning, Economics of Generation and Electricity Lecture2
RN5914 Independent Study of Structural Analysis and Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants Lecture2
RN6011 Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Management Lecture4
RN6012 Advanced Design of Nuclear Reactors Lecture4
RN6013 Energy Conversion and Reactor Cogeneration Lecture4
RN6021 Selected Topics in Nuclear Materials Science Lecture4
RN6022 High Temperature Corrosion in Nuclear Reactors Lecture4
RN6031 Selected Topics in Nuclear Instrumentation Lecture4
RN6041 Advanced Radiation Protection and Health Physics Lecture3
RN6042 Advanced Nuclear Medicine Physics Lecture3
RN6043 Advanced Radiobiology Lecture3
RN6044 Pathology Anatomy and Physiology Lecture3
RN6051 Selected Topics in Nuclear Reactions Lecture4
RN6061 Nuclear Regulation and Oversight Lecture3
RN6062 Data Science in the Nuclear Industry Lecture3
RN6063 Energy Planning, Nuclear Power Plant Economics and Power Lecture3
RN6064 Selected Topics in Nuclear Energy Systems Lecture4
RN6071 Independent Research 4 Lecture4
RN6072 Independent Research 5 Lecture4
RN6073 Independent Research 6 Lecture4
RN6074 Independent Research 7 Lecture4
RN6090 Comprehensive Examination Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3
RN6091 Case Study 1 Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
RN6092 Case Study 2 Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
RN6093 Final Project 1 Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
RN6094 Final Project 2 Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
RN6095 Thesis 1 MBR Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation6
RN6096 Thesis 2 MBR Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation6
RN6097 Thesis 1 Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
RN6098 Thesis 2 Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
RN6099 Masters Defense Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2