Architectural Design (Design Stream)

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR5101 Research Methodology 3 AR5211 Design Theory 3
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 AR5216 Facility Programming 3
AR5121 Sustainable Architecture 3 AR5250 Thematic Research Studio II [1] 4
AR5150 Thematic Research Studio I [1] 4 AR5290 Design Studio II [2] 7
AR5190 Design Studio I [2] 7 AR5212 Professional Ethics [2] 3
AR5151 Literature Review [1] 2 AR5213 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis [1] 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR6131 Contemporary Architecture and The World 3 AR6099 Masters Thesis Defense 2
AR6101 Scientific Writing [1] 3 AR6231 Architectural Theory and Criticism 3
AR6190 Thesis by Project I [2] 5 AR6250 Thesis by Research II [1] 7
AR6150 Thesis by Research I [1] 5 AR6290 Thesis by Project II [2] 7
[1] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Research Thesis (Science Stream)
[2] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Project Thesis (Design Stream)

Computational Design

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR5101 Research Methodology 3 AR5211 Design Theory 3
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 AR5214 Computational Design Methods 3
AR5121 Sustainable Architecture 3 AR5250 Thematic Research Studio II [1] 4
AR5150 Thematic Research Studio I [1] 4 AR5290 Design Studio II [2] 7
AR5190 Design Studio I [2] 7 AR5212 Professional Ethics [2] 3
AR5151 Literature Review [1] 2 AR5213 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis [1] 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR6121 Building Performance Simulation 3 AR6099 Masters Thesis Defense 2
AR6122 BIM and Information Management 3 AR6250 Thesis by Research II [1] 7
AR6101 Scientific Writing [1] 3 AR6290 Thesis by Project II [2] 7
AR6190 Thesis by Project I [2] 5
AR6150 Thesis by Research I [1] 5
[1] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Research Thesis (Science Stream)
[2] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Project Thesis (Design Stream)

History and Theory of Architecture

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR5101 Research Methodology 3 AR5211 Design Theory 3
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 AR5231 Indonesian Vernacular Architecture 3
AR5121 Sustainable Architecture 3 AR5250 Thematic Research Studio II [1] 4
AR5150 Thematic Research Studio I [1] 4 AR5290 Design Studio II [2] 7
AR5190 Design Studio I [2] 7 AR5212 Professional Ethics [2] 3
AR5151 Literature Review [1] 2 AR5213 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis [1] 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR6131 Contemporary Architecture and The World 3 AR6099 Masters Thesis Defense 2
AR6132 Environmental and Regional Documentation 3 AR6231 Architectural Theory and Criticism 3
AR6101 Scientific Writing [1] 3 AR6250 Thesis by Research II [1] 7
AR6190 Thesis by Project I [2] 5 AR6290 Thesis by Project II [2] 7
AR6150 Thesis by Research I [1] 5
[1] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Research Thesis (Science Stream)
[2] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Project Thesis (Design Stream)

Housing Strategy

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR5101 Research Methodology 3 AR5211 Design Theory 3
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 AR5241 Housing Delivery System 3
AR5121 Sustainable Architecture 3 AR5250 Thematic Research Studio II [1] 4
AR5150 Thematic Research Studio I [1] 4 AR5290 Design Studio II [2] 7
AR5190 Design Studio I [2] 7 AR5212 Professional Ethics [2] 3
AR5151 Literature Review [1] 2 AR5213 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis [1] 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR6141 Transformation of Dwelling, Settlement and Housing 3 AR6099 Masters Thesis Defense 2
AR6101 Scientific Writing [1] 3 AR6241 Housing and Urban Development in Indonesia 3
AR6190 Thesis by Project I [2] 5 PL6243 Urban Land Management 3
AR6150 Thesis by Research I [1] 5 AR6250 Thesis by Research II [1] 7
AR6290 Thesis by Project II [2] 7
[1] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Research Thesis (Science Stream)
[2] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Project Thesis (Design Stream)

Human-centered Design

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR5101 Research Methodology 3 AR5211 Design Theory 3
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 AR5215 Users in Architecture 3
AR5121 Sustainable Architecture 3 AR5250 Thematic Research Studio II [1] 4
AR5150 Thematic Research Studio I [1] 4 AR5290 Design Studio II [2] 7
AR5190 Design Studio I [2] 7 AR5212 Professional Ethics [2] 3
AR5151 Literature Review [1] 2 AR5213 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis [1] 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR6112 Cognitive and Behavior Mapping 3 AR6099 Masters Thesis Defense 2
AR6101 Scientific Writing [1] 3 AR6212 Environmental Behavior 3
AR6190 Thesis by Project I [2] 5 AR6250 Thesis by Research II [1] 7
AR6150 Thesis by Research I [1] 5 AR6290 Thesis by Project II [2] 7
[1] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Research Thesis (Science Stream)
[2] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Project Thesis (Design Stream)

Property Development

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR5101 Research Methodology 3 AR5211 Design Theory 3
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 AR5242 Property Development 3
AR5121 Sustainable Architecture 3 AR5250 Thematic Research Studio II [1] 4
AR5141 Housing Development Management 3 AR5290 Design Studio II [2] 7
AR5150 Thematic Research Studio I [1] 4 AR5212 Professional Ethics [2] 3
AR5190 Design Studio I [2] 7 AR5213 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis [1] 4
AR5151 Literature Review [1] 2
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR6101 Scientific Writing [1] 3 AR6099 Masters Thesis Defense 2
AR6190 Thesis by Project I [2] 5 AR6221 Project Development Economy 3
AR6150 Thesis by Research I [1] 5 AR6242 Built Environment Analysis 3
AR6250 Thesis by Research II [1] 7
AR6290 Thesis by Project II [2] 7
[1] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Research Thesis (Science Stream)
[2] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Project Thesis (Design Stream)

Sustainable Building Design

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR5101 Research Methodology 3 AR5211 Design Theory 3
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 AR5022 Sustainable Building Material 3
AR5121 Sustainable Architecture 3 AR5023 Energy Conservation and Efficiency 3
AR5150 Thematic Research Studio I [1] 4 AR5250 Thematic Research Studio II [1] 4
AR5190 Design Studio I [2] 7 AR5290 Design Studio II [2] 7
AR5151 Literature Review [1] 2 AR5212 Professional Ethics [2] 3
AR5213 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis [1] 4
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR6121 Building Performance Simulation 3 AR6099 Masters Thesis Defense 2
AR5024 Bamboo Building Technology 3 AR6250 Thesis by Research II [1] 7
AR6101 Scientific Writing [1] 3 AR6290 Thesis by Project II [2] 7
AR6190 Thesis by Project I [2] 5
AR6150 Thesis by Research I [1] 5
[1] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Research Thesis (Science Stream)
[2] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Project Thesis (Design Stream)

Sustainable Project Management

Semester 1 Semester 2
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR5101 Research Methodology 3 AR5211 Design Theory 3
WI7001 Digital Literacy, AI, & Academic Ethics 2 AR5250 Thematic Research Studio II [1] 4
AR5121 Sustainable Architecture 3 AR5290 Design Studio II [2] 7
AR5150 Thematic Research Studio I [1] 4 AR5212 Professional Ethics [2] 3
AR5190 Design Studio I [2] 7 AR5213 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis [1] 4
AR5151 Literature Review [1] 2
Semester 3 Semester 4
KodeMata KuliahSKSKodeMata KuliahSKS
AR6121 Building Performance Simulation 3 AR6099 Masters Thesis Defense 2
AR6122 BIM and Information Management 3 AR6221 Project Development Economy 3
AR6101 Scientific Writing [1] 3 AR6250 Thesis by Research II [1] 7
AR6190 Thesis by Project I [2] 5 AR6290 Thesis by Project II [2] 7
AR6150 Thesis by Research I [1] 5
[1] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Research Thesis (Science Stream)
[2] Khusus Lecture-based Master with Project Thesis (Design Stream)
FakultasNo ProdiProgram Studi
The Building Information Modeling in Construction Multidisciplinary Package is a collaborative package between the Master of Architecture Study Program - SAPPK ITB and the Master of Civil Engineering Study Program - FTSL ITB, which focuses on the scientific and technological development of Building Information Modeling in sustainble building construction.
KodeMata KuliahSKS
SI5152 Infrastructure Asset Management System 4
SI5252 Construction Operations Management 4
SI6251 Advanced Construction Method 2
SI6252 Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure 2
The Sustainable Building Design and Construction Multidisciplinary Package is a collaborative package between the Master of Architecture Study Program - SAPPK ITB and the Master of Engineering Physics Study Program - FTI ITB, which focuses on the design and construction process of sustainable buildings.
KodeMata KuliahSKS
TF6014 Green and Sustainable Building Design 4
TF5014 Lighting Design 4
TF6011 Thermal Comfort System 4
TF6017 Building Performance Simulation 4
The Smart System (Smart-X) program shapes its graduates into “Builders and Changers of Smart Solutions”. Graduates are equipped with broad insights into the application of technology in various fields to build a mindset in utilizing “smart solutions” in various environments.
KodeMata KuliahSKS
IF5271 IS Sustainability 3
IF5171 System Thinking 3
IF5270 Applied Artificial Intelligence for Enterprise 4
IF5170 Digital Strategy 3
EL5085 Modern Sensing Systems 4
KodeMata KuliahKategoriSKS
AR5021 Sustainable Site Development Lecture3
AR5022 Sustainable Building Material Lecture3
AR5023 Energy Conservation and Efficiency Lecture3
AR5024 Bamboo Building Technology Lecture3
AR5101 Research Methodology Lecture3
AR5121 Sustainable Architecture Lecture3
AR5141 Housing Development Management Lecture3
AR5150 Thematic Research Studio I Lecture4
AR5151 Literature Review Lecture2
AR5190 Design Studio I Lecture7
AR5211 Design Theory Lecture3
AR5212 Professional Ethics Lecture3
AR5213 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Lecture4
AR5214 Computational Design Methods Lecture3
AR5215 Users in Architecture Lecture3
AR5216 Facility Programming Lecture3
AR5221 Experimental Architecture Construction Lecture3
AR5231 Indonesian Vernacular Architecture Lecture3
AR5241 Housing Delivery System Lecture3
AR5242 Property Development Lecture3
AR5250 Thematic Research Studio II Lecture4
AR5290 Design Studio II Lecture7
AR6099 Masters Thesis Defense Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
AR6101 Scientific Writing Lecture3
AR6111 Cultural Innovation in Design Lecture3
AR6112 Cognitive and Behavior Mapping Lecture3
AR6121 Building Performance Simulation Lecture3
AR6122 BIM and Information Management Lecture3
AR6131 Contemporary Architecture and The World Lecture3
AR6132 Environmental and Regional Documentation Lecture3
AR6141 Transformation of Dwelling, Settlement and Housing Lecture3
AR6150 Thesis by Research I Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation5
AR6190 Thesis by Project I Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation5
AR6211 Parametric BIM Modeling Lecture3
AR6212 Environmental Behavior Lecture3
AR6221 Project Development Economy Lecture3
AR6231 Architectural Theory and Criticism Lecture3
AR6241 Housing and Urban Development in Indonesia Lecture3
AR6242 Built Environment Analysis Lecture3
AR6250 Thesis by Research II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation7
AR6290 Thesis by Project II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation7