FakultasNo ProdiProgram Studi
KodeMata KuliahKategoriSKS
BI5000 Research Methodology Lecture3
BI5001 Advanced Cell Biology Lecture2
BI5002 Applied Entomology Lecture2
BI5090 Proposal Writing Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
BI5091 Magister Research I A Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation6
BI5092 Comprehensive Examination Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
BI5093 Magister Research I B Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
BI5094 Independent Research I Lecture3
BI5095 Tropical Biodiversity Independent Study Lecture1
BI5096 Advanced Cell Biology Independent Study Lecture1
BI5098 Advanced Physiology Independent Study Lecture3
BI5099 Bioinformatics Independent Study Lecture3
BI5100 Integrated Concept in Biology Lecture3
BI5101 Tropical Biodiversity and Bioprospecting Lecture3
BI5110 Ecological Methods Lecture3
BI5111 Ecological Methods Practicum Lecture1
BI5112 Aquatic Ecology Lecture2
BI5113 Advanced Animal Physiology Lecture2
BI5114 Cancer Biology Lecture2
BI5115 Plant Physiology and Development Lecture2
BI5116 Plant Cell Signaling Lecture2
BI5117 Signaling and Microbial Interaction Lecture2
BI5118 Molecular Epidemiology Lecture2
BI5119 Ecological Modeling Lecture3
BI5120 Ecological Modeling Practicum Lecture1
BI5123 Molecular Ecology Lecture2
BI5191 Independent Research II Lecture1
BI5192 Biology Independent Study Lecture3
BI5193 Bioinformatics Independent Study Lecture3
BI5194 Molecular Biology Independent Study Lecture3
BI5195 Environmental Biology Independent Study Lecture3
BI5196 Plant Biology Independent Study Lecture3
BI5197 Animal Biology Independent Study Lecture3
BI5198 Microbiology Independent Study Lecture3
BI5199 System Biology Independent Study Lecture1
BI5201 Modern Tools in Biological Research Lecture2
BI5202 Systems Biology Lecture4
BI5203 Applied Biology for Bioindustry Lecture3
BI5204 Biology Case Studies Lecture2
BI5210 Population Ecology Lecture2
BI5211 Terrestrial Ecology Lecture2
BI5212 Mechanism of Animal Development Lecture2
BI5215 Advanced Microbial Ecology Lecture2
BI5216 Capita Selecta Life Sciences Lecture2
BI5290 Specific Topics Bioinformatics Lecture3
BI5291 Specific Topics in Molecular Biology Lecture3
BI5292 Specific Topics in Environmental Biology Lecture3
BI5293 Specific Topics in Plant Biology Lecture3
BI5294 Specific Topics in Animal Biology Lecture3
BI5295 Specific Topics in Microbiology Lecture3
BI5296 Life Sciences Case Studies Lecture3
BI5297 Ecological Methods Independent Study Lecture2
BI5298 Population Ecology Independent Study Lecture2
BI5299 Ecosystem Analysis Independent Study Lecture2
BI6090 Magister Research II A Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation6
BI6091 Progress Seminar Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
BI6092 Results Seminar Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
BI6093 Thesis Writing Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
BI6094 Publication Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
BI6095 Magister Oral Examination Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
BI6096 Case Study I Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3
BI6097 Case Study II Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3
BI6098 Final Report Writing Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
BI6099 Magister Research II B Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation4
BI6101 Data Analysis and Scientific Writing Lecture3
BI6102 Communication and Presentation Techniques Lecture3
BI6110 Insect Ecology Lecture2
BI6111 Forest Ecosystem Dynamics Lecture2
BI6112 Neuroscience Lecture2
BI6113 Plant Ecophysiology Lecture2
BI6210 Biocontrol for Sustainable Ecosystems Lecture2
BI6211 Conservation Ecology Lecture2
BI6212 Medical and Forensic Entomology Lecture2
BI6213 Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Lecture2
BI6214 Science Data for Genomics Lecture2
BI6215 Biodiversity and Climate Change Modelling Lecture2
BI6216 Science Data for Genomics Practicum Lecture1
BI6217 Biodiversity and Climate Change Modelling Practicum Lecture1
BI6218 Diet and Nutrigenomics Lecture2