[1] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Riset
[2] Khusus Magister Berbasis Kuliah dengan Tesis Proyek
Fakultas | No Prodi | Program Studi |
The Multidisciplinary Master's Program in Design-based Leadership (Design Leadership) seeks to produce prospective graduates who are capable of becoming leaders and agents of change. Through a scientific approach to design and regional development, students will hone creative thinking skills and a high sense of empathy to produce ideas and innovations that can solve complex problems in society. In the process, students are encouraged to:
• Collaborate with various parties in every research and innovation development activity.
• Learning from various case studies of real problems.
• Receive mentorship from various figures who have brought change in society.
• Cultivate social, cultural, economic and environmental potential in a city/region.
In the midst of the discourse on developing Indonesia's creative economy which encourages creative knowledge-based economic growth, the existence of human resources who master digital media-based design knowledge needs to be optimized in professional practice in Indonesia as a strengthening of human resource potential which can have an impact on strengthening social aspects, economy and culture. The result of optimizing human resources has implications for the birth of design products. digital media-based such as animation, games, interactive media, VR, Augmented Reality, and others that can contribute to the Indonesian nation.
Functionally, digital media-based design works developed can be used for a combination of learning functions, simulations, training and communication aids, or monitoring and evaluation aids. It can also be substantially used in the fields of education (education, training), entertainment, business, medical, engineering, culture and defense and security.